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A house divided against itself can not stand - General - Earboard |
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A house divided against itself can not stand by akinbowale: 4:03 pm On August 1, 2018 |
“United we stand, divided we fall” as the popular saying goes is a bitter truth which should be taken very seriously in all aspects. Unity should be encouraged in our everyday life activities starting from the family where a child learns that unity is the solid foundation behind achieving a successful team work. There is no way a football team can win a particular match not to talk of being the champion of the competition if they fail to play with one another. For instance, if the mid-fielders fail to feed the strikers with passes, then they should not expect any goal which should make them triumph in the football match. Division is one of the major challenges being encountered in our dear country Nigeria and this has made the nation unable to stand and compete with other countries of the world. Tribalism has really eaten deep into the blood of all Nigerians as each and every tribe in the country discriminate among themselves. A Yoruba man will say I can not go into business with an Igbo man because he loves money too much, an Hausa man is not ready to help a Yoruba man and so on. If we do not love ourselves, then how do we expect people from other countries to treat us? What we have failed to realize about being united is that someone you got his back today can be the person who will stand with you when things go wrong tomorrow. Division only brings about downfall and makes everything fall apart whereas unity results in steadfastness and good team work. All tribes in Nigeria should work together and always be in support with one another to work towards the desired ONE NIGERIA
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