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A Letter to The Commisioner of Education Explaining The Causes of The Riot in My School - Education - Earboard |
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A Letter to The Commisioner of Education Explaining The Causes of The Riot in My School by prosper: 10:50 pm On May 14, 2018 |
There was a riot in your school resulting in extensive damage and the ministry of Education ordered your school to be shut down. Write a letter to the commissioner for Education, explaining the causes of the disturbance, and appealing for the school to be re-opened. THE SCHOOL RIOT AND CALL TO RE-OPEN THE SCHOOL I write this letter with a high sense of responsibility and duty to discuss the causes of the demonstration that occurred in the school lately and appeal to the Honourable commissioner t o temper justice with mercy and re-open the school at least for the sake of the innocent ones. The major cause of the riot, though a remote one, was the illegal fees charged by the school authorities. In the whole state, it is only in our school that illegal fees are charged and failure on the part of any student to pay leads to summary dismissal. For instance, every student was charged five hundred naira as science levy, two hundred naira as sports levy and another five hundred naira as levy for practical’s. All these are not part of the PTA levy of one hundred naira and there hundred naira Educational Development Levy. To worsen the situation, most of these illegal levies were not discussed at PTA meetings. This created a fertile ground for a possible riot. Secondly, the state government refunded half of this years’ SSCE fees to all final year students in public schools in Lagos state. Two months after the rest of the schools refunded theirs to the final year students, our is yet to do so for reason best known to the school authorities. To aggravate the situation, the authorities illegally signed on our behalf and collected the money and the principal said that the money would be spent on school development. This was the last straw that broke the camel’ back. Some parents came to confirm this story from the principal but he talked rudely to them. The parents called a PTA meeting to discuss the fundamental issue affecting the school but the principal refused to attend. On 1st April, 1999 when the principal announced to the students that they were to pay a compulsory levy of one thousand naira to build the new principle’s office, the students openly told him they will not pay until the levies they had paid were well accounted for and that he should obey the directive from the Ministry of Education to refund half of SSCE fees to each prospective candidate. It was at this juncture that some expelled students confronted him and before we knew what was happening there was riot. As the senior prefect, I was calling for calm among the rank and file of the students but those expelled students took laws into their own hands and disrupted the peace in the school. Before the arrival of the police, the laboratory was already bunt down, and the principal’s car and office vandalized. Consequently, the school was closed down to prevent further destruction of properties. In view of the foregoing, I will implore the Honourable Commissioner to set up an independent probe panel to probe the incident and submit its recommendations. More importantly, the vast majority of the students are innocent, particularly the final year students whose final examination is at hand. I implore the authorities to re-open the school and make the students to pay for the damage done to the school property and also to transfer the principal and his senior lieutenants from the school for peace to rein. In conclusion, there is no doubt in my mind that if my suggestions are well followed and implemented peace will reign in the school. Tags: ESSAY |
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