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Good day bosses by stephaniebyers98: 2:10 pm On March 30, 2022 |
- Please select category before posting and don’t post off topic.
- Add relevant images to your post, click here to learn how to upload file
- Don’t post copyrighted articles from another website or blog
- Don’t post the same content multiple times
- Don’t post articles with less than 300 words
- Don’t threaten, support or DEFEND violent acts against any person, tribe, race, animals, or group (e.g. rape).
- Don’t post pornographic or disgusting pictures or videos on any section of Earboard.
- Don’t say, do, or THREATEN to do anything that’s detrimental to the security, success, or reputation of Earboard.
- Don’t post false information on Earboard
- Don’t use Earboard for illegal acts, e.g scams, plagiarism, hacking, g*y meetings, incitement, promoting secession.
- Don’t violate the privacy of any people e.g. by posting their private pics, info, or chats without permission.
- Don’t create distracting posts with: ALL WORDS BOLD / huge font sizes / ALL CAPS / distracting images ,spaces, etc.
- Search the forum before creating a new post on Earbaord and don’t recreate already existing topics.
- Don’t spam the forum by advertising in the wrong places or posting the same content many times.
- Please spell words correctly when you post, and try to use perfect grammar and punctuation.
- Relevant external links are allowed!