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Communication, a factor for a successful leader

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Communication, a factor for a successful leader by : 11:33 pm On August 1, 2018

One of the reason why some leaders failed, is because they don’t have good communication skills. It is not just enough to have a clear vision but the ability to effectively communicate the vision to your followers that is what makes you a good leader.
Leaders have fail in their field of expertise, because they failed to keep the follower abreast of the mission of their vision consistently, by regularly informing them through different means. Either by print media or electronic, which can be weekly or monthly.because what you always see and hear will over a period of time becomes part of your subconscious .
Leaders will fail if they are not personally motivated by the vision, they haf, so this will lead to lack of motivation to communicate it to the follower. Most times, this is a result of a leader who id being controlled be external forces or persons who he or she have respect for. So they are influencing him or her in making some decision, which are contrary to what their original intents are, this will also create a lack of motivation to communicate it to their followers.
Leaders should not allowed negative external forces to influence their sense of judgement, in whatever they are doing, because it will leader to their failure in leadership, they should stick to the blueprint , improve on it and put it into action by effectively communicating it to their followers, who will in turn put it into action.
Finally, as leaders we need to walk the work, we should be a good example of what we are saying to our followers, by being the first to take action steps, with this in view the followers will also be enthusiastic to follow suit , not after we communicate an idea, we withdrew ourselves as leaders and expect our subordinate to take action.

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