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De’javu by : 7:56 pm On June 11, 2018

Déjà vu.

Listening to Aduke by Tjan on her cd player, Roli couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander……. Memories of Femi kept coming. He loved serenading her….yes, he was that romantic. She remembred the day he sent 50 cards with love professing messages. He sent them with Diana Ross’s Album everyday is a new day. Her favorite song in it was Love is all that matters…… she remembered staying up all night to listen to it.

Why does love go sour?! Why would something so sweet taste so bitter? Why would a feeling so strong fizzle? Whats all this talk about love not being enough that her friends keep saying? What else can be enough? Isn’t it love that leads to one deciding to be committed?
What exactly is love? It’s so confusing out there!
Everyone defining what love is, how to know what it is and it isn’t! Do we learn how to breathe? Is love not something that comes to be? Isn’t it like a power that takes over one’s being? You get into it with no preconcieved motive, you just love! You find no fault, even if its starring you in the face.
Can one really get over genuine love? Does the heart reason? Isn’t it that people just carry on with a facade if love is lost? Roaming and carrying on like the heart hasn’t been affected?
Isn’t being in love like labour? It just hits you, the mechanism goes into operation.
Why is it that when it doesn’t last its called lust? Who exactly deciphers that thin line between lust and love? She sighed and walked towards the fridge, she was thirsty…..it was so hot and the night was still young…….


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