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By all means, the most imperative impact of advancement in technology is in health and care sector, which has profited the man mankind, the most. Due to annexation of latest technology and tests almost all the diseases are diagnosed in initial phases which help in timely cure of disease. Vaccination for infants has especially decreased the fatal diseases by a large number. Addition of technologies in the field of surgery, treatment of diseases like c****r and even H*V, are now possible through advancement in technology.
Technology is not only advantageous for those who are suffering from disease but also for those who want to relish a healthy life. Unrelatedly of gender, humans love to look smart and physically well shaped. Those who have the opportunity of managing some time for fitness daily spare some time for exercises. Technology has forced people to resort to clubs and gyms instead of traditional exercises. Those who were resistant to carryout painful exercises are now using different machines which are very user friendly. Presences of modern fitness gym machines have made life of many people healthy.
Importance of technology in the field of fitness and health care is distinguished from development of diverse software, which gives practical future results and goal in advance. Field of fitness is very different from ancient techniques. Nowadays before starting any routine work out, software and latest technologies gives you a true physical picture which shows, how you will look like after carrying out particular exercise for a particular period. One of the major principal of fitness is the patience. In past though people use to exert even more but failed to achieve desired goal due to lack of patience. It is natural psyche that once we put in some effort; we want to see the result. Same is the case with health care and fitness. Technology has solved the problem of lack of patience by using the technology, which keeps you motivated and in advance gives you a true picture regarding results.
Loss of weight for people suffering from obesity was the biggest problem in past. Now due to improvement of technology in the field of fitness and health care you can lose weight either by exercise on user friendly machines or resort to liposuction which extracts body fats.
The thing which is lacking in this subject is the proper marketing and awareness for use technology to work. Research on the subject of importance of technology in the field of fitness and health care shows that technologies cover the entire health and fitness problem as many people want to use to access the technology but due to lack of awareness and marketing by the originators of these technology user fails to access them. To conclude, to spend a healthy life and to achieve for desired results, smart way is to use technology, which is the smarter way.


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