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JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus | Download or View the PDF here

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JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus | Download or View the PDF here by : 4:50 pm On December 13, 2018

JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus | Download or View the PDF here

This is to  inform all JAMB candidates offering French that the new Syllabus for 2019/2020Jamb exam is out. Candidates can download or view the pdf format here.

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The Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination syllabus for French is designed to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination.

 The following are what this syllabus strives to achieve:

  1. Assess written comprehension in French;
  2. identify  how French sounds work in speech production;
  3. Examine the culture of Francophone West Africa and France in relation (Where possible) to home country.
  4. Appreciate straightforward literary texts in French;
  5. Apply the principles governing the structure and use of written French.

Detailed Syllabus

TOPIC/CONTENTS/NOTES JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus

1.  Written Comprehension in French

  • Topics of general and emergent interest e.g.Love, Life, death, politics, Marriage, H*V/AIDS, Communication, Child trafficking, Cultism, travel, corruption, money laundering etc.

Objectives  [JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus]

Candidates should be able to :

  • deduce answers to question on the contents, intent and style of proposed texts;
  • apply reasoning skills


 (1)  Identification of basic form classes:

                (a) Nouns-simple/compound, Singular/plural masculine/feminine

                (b)Pronouns – personal, impersonal, Demonstrative, Possessive and Relative.

                (c) Verbs –reflexive and non-reflexive; their moods and tenses.

                (d) Adjectives – qualifying, possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite (e.g. nul),  numeral (e.g. dix) and ordinal (e.g. dixieme)

                (e) Adverbs  

– Common Forms (i)with-ment (e.g lentement) (i) with preposition + noun (e.g par avion, a cheval, en voiture, par bateau)

-special forms (e.gbien, vite, mal, mieux, pire, le pis, ne…que)

– Types

-Manner (e.g debout, facilement)

– purpose (e.g. pour + infinitive perfect, a cause de + noun)

– concession (e.g. malgre + Noun)

– place (e.g. y, en, ici, la veille, le matin, dans un mois).

(f) Prepositions

-Simple (e.g. a, de, avec, avant, Sur, dans)

-compound (e.g a cote de, au milieu de)

(g) Conjuctions

-of co-ordination (e.g. mais, ou et, donc, car, capendant, ne…ni)

-of subordination (e.g. afin que, quoique, a condition que, pour que, parce que).


-definite, indefinite and partitive

ii. Assessment of vocabulary span (words in contemporary contexts

-meaning, use, opposites, synonyms)

iii. Importance of word order in:

  • affirmative sentences
  • interrogative sentences
  • imperative sentences
  • passive voice formation

iv. Identification and application of basic processes in Language structure, e.g.

  • Conjugation – in all tenses except I’impartfait du subjonctif, le passse compose du subjonctif et……le plus – que parfait du subjonctif.
  • Negation (e.g ne…pas, ne… plus, ne… rien, nul ne, ni…ne,ne… personne, personne…ne
  • Agreement (e.g les beaux arts, il les a vues les photos)
  • Pluralisation (e.g as in cheval/chevaux; beau/beaux)
  • Derivation
  • From adj, to adv- e.g. lent-lentement
  • From adj. to adj. e.g. un- premier
  • From adj. to noun – e.g. bon-bonte, riche-richesse etc
  • From one degree of comparison to another (using plus…que,moins…que,aussi…que e.g. plus grand que)
  • NB- special forms- (e.g. bon, meilleur, le meilleur la meilleure, mauvais, pire, le pire)


Expressions such as in proverbs , idioms and conventional structures as provided  for in common speech acts:

  • Proverbs (e.g. tel pere tel fils, petit a petit I’oiseau fait son nid)
  • Idioms (e.g. avoir une faim de loup crier sur le toit, mourir de peur)
  • Conventional stretches (e.g. enchante, c’ est dommage, formidable, stationnement interdit)
  • Speech acts (e.g. proposer, conseiller,regretter, admirer esperer, interroger, reprocher, s’ accorder etc)

OBJECTIVES [JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus]

Candidates should be able to:

  • Identify what constitutes the basic structure of written French.
  • Use the principles governing the structure of written French to determine acceptability, e.g. to transform one form; one class to another;
  • Apply the structure to convey diverse messages;
  • Apply communicative skills.

Working of French Sounds via:

(a)Sound discrimination (e.g. tout/tu)

(b) Letter-sound correspondence (e.g. ai-/e/,ais-/e/)

(c) Syllabification (e.g. con/tente/ment)

(d)liaison (e.g. trios animaux Cas unique)

(e) sense groups in reading (e.g. J’ai mal a la tete)

(f)cognates and faux amis (e.g. president, nation)

(g) identification of sounds to determine similarity (e.g. maison/saison,dents/don,food/fonde).

3. LITERATURE [JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus]

-study of selected texts: identification of characteristics features of creative writing e.g. pilot, characters, theme, setting and style (use of Language, imageries etc.)


Candidates should be able to:

  • Discriminate between French sounds
  • Deduce meanings out of sound combinations;
  • Use the above to enhance effective communication,
  • Assess sound groupings in terms of how they are affected by such features as syllabification, liason, e-caduce; pause, intonation, etc;

Candidates should be able to:

  • Interpret the contents of selected straight-forward creative writings;
  • Compare the contents in terms of the style and form of narration;
  • Assess their relevance to social life


Literature [JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus]

  1. (i) Mbuko, L. (2006) Chaque chose en son temps, Aba : Lynnette Publishers
  2. Malot, H. (1995) Sans Famille, Editions a Francais Facile

Written Language [JAMB 2019/2020 French Syllabus]

  • (i) Ajiboye, T. (2006) Companion to French Grammar (Revised Edition): Horin: Info-links.

Ajiboye, T. (1999) Nouvel Horizon, Book 4, Ibadan: Bounty Press

Berard and Churchill (1980) Le Nouveau Bascherelle: L’Art de Conjuguer, Ibadan: Spectrum

Ojo,S. A (2000) A Comprehensive Revision Handbook of French Grammar, Ibadan: Agoro Publishing Company.

Any other relevant materials on French Grammars

  • Oral

Ajiboye, T. (2003) An Introduction to Practice in Oral French, Ibadan: Bounty Press Leon, M. (1978) Initiation a la Prononciation du Francais Standard.

Any other materials that emphasise oral practice

  • Culture of Froncophone Countries

Girod R and Ground-Clement, F. (1979)                 Comment vivent les Francais, Paris; Hachette

Mbuko, L, (2000) French Essays on Culture and Civilization for Schools and College Ibadan: Bounty Press.

Any other relevant materials, e.g. French newspapers, magazines, journals, and documents on Francophone life

Wisdomline Pass at Once Jamb

  • Dictionary

Any good French/English of French Dictionary

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