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Latest Pisphon Settings for Glo Free Browsing Cheat / Tweak

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Latest Pisphon Settings for Glo Free Browsing Cheat / Tweak by : 8:54 pm On July 7, 2018

We all had been enjoying this Glo free browsing cheat, back then in 2016, using our normal Pisphon; however, this cheat stopped working some years ago and we are like what are we gonna do to bring our Glo free browsing cheat working again. If you experienced this, then worry no more because I am here to help you with the working Pishon settings for free Glo browsing. Sincerely speaking, Glo has been so rigid on its network that it was nearly impossible to get any free browsing from the network.  But thanks to some geeks among us, we are now able to bypass Glo network and enjoy free browsing from the network. We are going to use Glo redirect and new proxy servers for this “Glo 0.00 cheat” free browsing.

Requirements for the Glo Free Browsing using the Latest Pisphon Setting

  1. Psiphon Pro lite Handler
  2. A Glo Sim with 0.0 airtime (yoiu don’t need any airtime for the cheat)
  3. Strong 3G Network (You can try it on 2g network but 3G is what is recommended)
  4. An Android phone (it won’t work on Java)

Having gotten all the requirements above, then follow this instruction to set up the free browsing cheat. This is the updated settings for Glo Free Browsing cheat using Pisphon Pro Lite.

APN Setting for Glo

  1. Name: glo 00
  2. APN: gloflat
  3. APN Type: tick only Default
  4. Proxy:
  5. Port: 8080
  6. Then tap save and continue to the next stage which involves Pisphone Pro Lite. If you dont have Pisphon Pro Lite, you can easily search it on Google and download from there.

I assume you already have the Pisphone Pro Lite, so navigate to your Pisphone Pro Lite Handler and configure it as shown below

  1. FrontQuery: redirect.glo.com/glomms@
  2. Tick: Remove Port
  3. Proxy type: Real Host
  4. Real Server: redirect.gloi.com/glomms
  5. Real Port: 8080

Then Save and click connect, that’s all

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