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Major reasons why some marriages hit brick walls

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Major reasons why some marriages hit brick walls by : 11:40 pm On August 2, 2018

Mary is 30 years old, she is not getting any younger, so she said in her mind. My mates are already married with children, her mother is mounting pressure on her that she wants a grandchild, now Mary is so confused not knowing what to do, her previous relationship was a disaster, now she is afraid of going another one, but what will do now that her parent is putting pressure on her considering the fact that she is not getting any younger. Should I jump on any man that comes my way or wait for Gods leading? Is the question, she is asking herself.
Peter, on the other hand, is 40 years old and so desperate to get married considering the fact that time is not on his side and most of his peers are married with grown-up kids, so he is ready to settle down with any lady that comes his way, just because he wants to change his status.
This is some of the few things that create conflicts in marriages because they will not take out time to check if they can complement each other, in the area of their vision, purpose, passions, talents, and mission. This is due to the fact that friends and families have pushed them to make a decision without focusing on their future, they are just concerned with the present and how they can change their status to Mr. and Mrs.
When the foundation is faulty, there is every tendency that the structure will have problems. This is why we have so many marriages hitting bricks wall, which results to single parenting, this is because they did not take our time to understand what marriage is all about, that it’s not just a means to change status or a legal pass for you to have s*x whenever you have urged. The product of the s*x, which is the kids should be put into the plan before going into the institute called MARRIAGE.

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