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Repentance from Dead Works

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Repentance from Dead Works by : 1:44 am On July 19, 2018

This is the first fundamental doctrine of Christ in the scripture. Nobody can lay
Claim to being born again without the step of genuine repentance.

1.what does repentance mean? Heb. 6:1-2;Acts 3:19 Thess 1:5-10.
It is a firm conscious and personal decision to change from sin to righteousness in obedience towards God. Living holy is not an emotion.

Repentance must involve the following
a. Acknowledging the fact that you were born a sinner and you have been sinning till date Romans 3:23
b. Confessing your sins 1john1:9
c. Asking God for forgiveness and mercy Isaiah 55:7
d. Asking for divine ability to forsake your sins Prov. 28:13

  1. What are the dead works from which we have to repent?
    Heb.6:1, ROM.6:21,Phil.3:1-3, sin, the works of the flesh, idolatry, empty
    Religion and all unrighteousness are the dead works to be repented of.

  2. Elements of genuine repentance
    a. Conviction: Before any sinner can repent, he must be convicted that
    He has an urgent need to make his way right with God- psalm 38:4; Acts 2:37
    b. Godly sorrow: this comes as a consequence of conviction by the holyspirit.
    c. Renunciation: True repentance involves grief and hatred for sin, forsaken and
    turning from it to God-isa.55:7,

  3. What are the result of Genuine repentance?
    Cleansing with the blood of Jesus by faith,assurance of forgiveness, ability to
    have fruitful fellowship with God in prayer, peace with God and man
    Therefore, repent now so that you can have wonderful times of refreshing from
    The presence of the lord

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