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TRANSIENT BEHAVIOR. by : 1:26 pm On July 30, 2018

I had always believed that, the immediate consequences of our behavior and conducts lies so much on the amount of control culture we have adhere ourselves to, THERE’S SOMETHING HIDDEN ABOUT EVERYTHING WE SEE, just as there is something hidden about each of our behavioural displays,, BEHAVIOUR JUST LIKE wILD ANIMALS MUST BE TAMED, before it gains an irrecoverable dominance over you,, when you think of the long and gloomy history of your own life, you will find more hideous mistakes have been committed in the name of lack of self control than have ever been committed in the name of omission or inefficiency, THE REASON WHY YOU’RE NOT DOING TOO GOOD IS BECAUSE, YOU ARE CONTROLLED BY YOUR BEHAVIOR. many believe that uncontrolled behaviour gradually crystallize into addictions.. WHY NOT START ADDICTING YOURSELF TO SELF CONTROL.. rather than been addicted to behaviour ~control.. This is particularly simply, especially how to gain control over your own self and enjoy your life..

(1) behavioural change takes time, and you must be ready to be patient about it
(2) Move or rather associate yourself with people who possess the kind of behaviour you desire,,by influence you will be like them
(3 ) avoid struggling with your behavior, Try to understand it, study it and enjoy the change
(4) create a positive mind set about each of your behaviours, note that, you are the builder of your own reality.
(5) Rise and fall techniques plays out largely in behavior change, by rising you are forming new beliefs that will neutralize the behaviours and by falling you are keeping those beliefs refreshed and permanent… it’s a continuous process, YOUR BELIEFS DETERMINES BEHAVIOUR.. breaking the chain of behavior starts from the joints of mind sets..

remember that you can change anything in your life, regardless of how impossible it might seem, this is how to live and let live


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