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Upgrading your investment prowess. (Part 1)

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Upgrading your investment prowess. (Part 1) by : 8:14 am On July 21, 2018

Every single moment that passes by is time wasted or gained. In this fast paced world of unrelenting competition, one must strive to stay afloat. Money is the salt of survival, and making it has become paramount and inexcusably a basic necessity. It is not enough to go to school and graduate, there is more to achievement and staying relevant in this world of high demand for excellence. The famous founder of Alibaba.com once gave a speech at the graduation of a university in China: He commended the new graduates and praised their efforts for striving educationally, but implored them to understand that life doesn’t work that way… he told them that their education was only a foundation, that in real life they must be innovative and coin a life for themselves not copy and paste all they have learnt. There is room for innovation in every sphere, being a dummy of over repeated concepts is and will be a limiting factor to self actualization. In this 4 part series, I will show you to get material to build your mind as an entrepreneur.

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