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Chimamanda Is Right This Time - General - Earboard

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Chimamanda Is Right This Time by : 12:03 am On June 13, 2018

Renowned author and popular feminist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has got lots of tongues wagging with the comment she made when she appeared on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah on Wednesday.

Concerning chivalry, (for example opening doors for people), Chimamanda said it shouldn’t be gender-based and women should also open the door for


She told Trevor Noah:

“I thing gestures like holding the door shouldn’t be gender-based.I think it’s a lovely thing to hold the door but we should hold the door for everyone.

Like, I hold the door for men and for women. And so I think the idea of someone holding the door for a woman because she’s a woman… I have trouble with it.

I’m quite happy for people to hold the door for me. But I’m like, hope they’re not doing it because of this sort of idea of chivalry. Because chivalry is really about the idea that women are some how weak and need protecting. But we know that really, there are many women who are stronger than men.”

I think many people misconstrued  Aunty Amanda. What Amanda  is saying is that  holding doors shouldn’t be a gender thing. We should hold doors for each other, or anyone that needs such help…not just because she is a woman!

She went on to add that, in the event of danger—the first set of people to be evacuated should be those that are weak/unwell. Not only women and children.

In essence, Protect those that need protection, irrespective of their gender.


The begging question now us why are people lashing out on Amanda? If people listen to or read what Chimamanda actually  says/writes, they will see undiluted wisdom in her words. I didn’t say she’s always right. What I mean is that in all she writes or says,  she  mostly speaks the  truth laced with great wisdom

I personally hate that idea of anyone doing anything for women because they are woman. Femininity doesn’t connote weakness. Women are not generally fragile. There are women indeed that are way much stronger than men.


If we must help people, help them because they are human beings who need help nit because they are human beings with b***s.


I hold the door open for ANYONE coming after me…. irrespective of gender, yes , I do.


We should thus accord special consideration to the elderly, disabled, heavily pregnant women, and nursing mothers/fathers of infant children during emergencies. Every other person should get same courtesy treatment irrespective of gender. With this in place,  we give life meaning that truly shows we are humans.


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