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Dongoyaro (Neem) - General - Earboard

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Dongoyaro (Neem) by : 9:23 am On July 25, 2018

I lived with dongoyaro tree in my compound from childhood but i never know it has a lot of benefit until i make some research.
Dongoyaro as it is being called by the yorubas is clled neem tree in english, going with the botanical name ‘AZADIRACHTA INDICA’.
The leaves, flowers, fruit, oil, twigs and seeds are all blessed with great benefits. It’s actually called “THE TREE OF LIFE”. It can be used both internally and externally from helping digestive problem to combating and healing skin problems.

Neem tree is often confused with a similar looking tree called Bakain. Bakain also has toothed leaflets and similar looking fruit. The only distinction is Neem leaves are 1- Pinnate while Bakain leaves are 2- and 3 Pinnate. Its fruit are shaped like miniature apples.

Impotance of Neem Tree

1) Neem (Dongoyaro) is a very powerful mosquito repellent. A mixture of neem oil with coconut oil in the ratio of 1:1 can be applied to the skin to fend off mosquitoes. It’s very safe on the skin.

2) The oil can also be used to get rid of head lice . In comparison to the regular head lice treatments which are made with chemicals, neem oil is totally natural and safe. It would not cause asthma attacks as some chemical mixedd ones do. You can add it to shampoo or just apply the oil in the hair overnight and then wash off.

3) Neem oil for polymeric resins
Applications of neem oil in the preparation of polymeric resins have been documented in the recent reports. The synthesis of various alkyd resins from neem oil is reported using a monoglyceride (MG) route and their utilization for the preparation of PU coatings.[19] The alkyds are prepared from reaction of conventional divalent acid materials like phthalic and maleic anhydrides with MG of neem oil. In other reports, different routes for preparation of polymeric resins from neem oil also are reported.

4) Construction
The juice of this plant is a potent ingredent for a mixture of wall plaster, according to the Samarāṅgaṇa Sūtradhāra, which is a Sanskrit treatise dealing with Śilpaśāstra (Hindu science of art and construction).

5) Both the oil and the twigs can be used in dental health. The twigs can be used to brush teeth as chewing sticks . The oil can be used to make toothpaste and mouthwashes.

6.) Neem flower juice can be used to get rid of belly fat and in w*********s. A mixture of the flower with honey and lemon would do the trick.

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