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Easiest Way to Install the Google Pixel camera on Galaxy S9 with One UI - Technology - Earboard

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Easiest Way to Install the Google Pixel camera on Galaxy S9 with One UI by : 9:19 pm On December 29, 2018

Google Pixel Camera will definitely improve your photos. This is available for up-to-date Samsung Galaxy phones.

Samsung Galaxy s9 plus
Samsung Galaxy s9 plus

Luckily enough, Samsung Galaxy S9 with One UI already has a version of the Google camera.


The camera of the Google Pixel has become one of the best camera applications that exist. It is not due to your options, but due to its simplicity.


Above all, it is an application that improves the results of almost any camera. It is, however, not without a fault. Its biggest problem is usually incompatibility because Google designs its application to take advantage of the features of their own phones.


Configuring this application to work with your phone depends on a specific adaptation process for each mobile, and also the Android version. And it’s the turn for the Samsung Galaxy S9 that has already updated to Android 9 with One UI.


Samsung began deploying One UI updates for its flagship some days ago after several weeks of beta. Now there is a working port of the Google Pixel camera that you can install from XDA Developers thanks to user IDan1109.


We have tested this application on a Galaxy S9 + updated to Android 9 Pie with One UI, and although it is not completely stable, it works correctly in many situations. It has some problems such as the absence of portrait mode in the front camera, and it does not have the new functions like night mode, but it is a good start.


That said, we had some problems to make the camera work because at the beginning there was a black screen. The process that we have followed to make it work is a bit wacky, but it works:

Google Pixel Camera on Galaxy S9 with One UI
Click on the Image to View Full
Google Pixel Camera on Galaxy S9 with One UI
Google Pixel Camera on Galaxy S9 with One UI
  1. Install the XDA application and open it.
  2. It will ask us for permission to run the camera. We accept them
  3. We immediately go to the camera settings.
  4. We do not touch anything, we go back to the camera and it’s going well.


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