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Facts about camels you might not have known. - Education - Earboard

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Facts about camels you might not have known. by : 12:17 pm On July 18, 2018

The camel is not found wild in Sahara regions any more.we have domesticated it for use in the deserts as it is well adapted to conditions in sandy deserts.
Some few interesting facts about camels are enumerated below:
-the camel conserves water by passing just a small amount of highly concentrated urine and begins to sweat only at temperatures over 40’C.
-camels can tolerate a high degree of dehydration, losing up to 20% – 30% of its body mass without any discomfort. This loss is mainly from the cell and not the blood. After such severe dehydration, it can drink its fill of water in a short time without any problem. Most of its body fat is in its hump. So it can easily radiate excess body heat to the surrounding environment through the rest of its body surface.
NB: generally, mammals have a layer of fat under the skin. This acts as an insulating layer, to prevent heat loss from the body to the surrounding environment.
-the foot (hoof) of a camel has two hoofed toes joined by pads. This allows the toes to spread out, thus enlarging the surface of the foot, so that a camel can easily walk on a sandy desert.
-a camel has long eyeslashes keep sand out of its eyes, and muscular nostrils that can be closed during a sand storm to prevent sand from entering its nose.
-a camel is known as the ship of the dessert as it is perfectly adapted to survive in hot sandy desert.
-research show it that camels can stay up to six(6) months with out drinking water.
-camel skins can be used to make shoes, belts, bags and wears and also foot ball.
-camels hairs are used to make paint brushes and bedding material.
-camels also have resistance to extreme weather conditions whether hot or cold, which are the common weather conditions in arid or desert lands (cold nights, hot days).

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