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Supwork CEO, Victor Ehinmowo has announced its valuation at 4.3m dollars - General - Earboard

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Supwork CEO, Victor Ehinmowo has announced its valuation at 4.3m dollars by : 5:56 pm On August 5, 2018

Supwork is a Tech start-up for on-demand services.
With three cofounder and members of board, Victor Ehinmowo (CEO), Abdulsamad Aliyu (CTO) and Ahmed Hossam (Head Of Design). Supwork is changing the way services are being rendered in this day and age. Unlike Fiverr, Uber, Upwork and so on, Supwork focuses on local and immediate services.

Supwork is a B2C and with plans of a version for firms, Supwork looks to joining the B2B ride.

As reported, Supworks current market is 11.2 billion dollars in annual customer purchase, their Segmented Addressable Market for the next five years is 1.3 billion dollars in total customer purchase.

There have always been the problem of time when it comes to service delivery and the problem of customer reach on the worker side. Supwork solves these problems by referring through its mobile app where both clients and workers can register and discover eachother locally. Think Uber, but for local services. Which in turn makes instant job execution a normal thing and also makes customer reach all stress free on the workers side without the need for flyers and posters.

For their Seed round of investment, Supwork is selling a maximum of 20% share of its common stocks.

About itzvee004

Hi my name is vee, am an entrepreneur, business consultant, publicist and speaker, I write to pass time and I love bringing new and improved opportunities to people. If you ever want to be heard or listened to you can reach out to me am always willing to help and as well as if you want to expand your business ideas you can always reach out. No charges (your wellbeing and growth is my concern)

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