My dear friend,
I have no idea how you got the information about this report. Maybe a friend referred you to it, or perhaps you stumbled on to it by pure luck.
But however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question,one of the most valuable information on how to open and operate a fully functional PayPal account without fear of limitations anywhere in Nigeria.
Many people tend to start working online to achieve financial freedom,be their own boss or simply start the business that they have always wanted. Every year hundreds of people if not thousands, start their own online businesses.
The sad news is, when it comes to doing business online, people in certain countries encounter more problems than others. In some countries like the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, the internet ecosystem and markets are well developed.
Coming to countries in Africa and Asia,things are not that easy online. Most of the nations in this category are called the “developing countries”. Those doing businesses online in these countries are faced with more challenges. One of such major problems is payments online.
Which brings us to the reason for this report.
Paypal is the most popular means of money exchange online.
For those of you in nigeria who are working online and/or who have being trying to open an account with Paypal, then this is for you.
A fully functional PayPal account is one that can receive and send unlimited payments without any problem.
Not to worry, since you have come across this report your paypal troubles should be officially over!
* I will suggest in total four ways of opening a paypal account;
this is the default type of account for nigerians when opening directly from paypal website that can only send money or make payments online without receiving and withdrawing (restrictions).
To Create This Account
=visit, click sign up, click open an account under the individual tab, fill the form and create account.
=provide your credit card ? details as required and click on “continue”.
If you have a relative/friend/someone trustworthy living abroad say USA for example. You can ask him/her to open an account for you over and be operating it for you.
Or after opening the account the person can give you the details so that you can operate the account yourself.
This method involves opening a paypal account through a bank. That’s if your bank supports paypal or you can open an account with a bank that does. For example, First Bank has an option for a paypal account under it’s online banking platform. If you have a First Bank account, you can then open a paypal account with them or you can open an account with them to do so.
You can change the IP address of your phone to an IP address that’s based in those paypal supported countries and create your paypal account so that you can operate it yourself.
Hope this was helpful!!!
If you have a better way or any other way please do tell.