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How To Delete Spotify Account - Technology - Earboard

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How To Delete Spotify Account by : 4:00 pm On September 7, 2019

This post teaches you how to permanently close your Spotify account and delete it forever.

For reasons which may include distractions, expense, etc or any reason best known to you its time for you to pull your plug.

It’s impossible to delete your Spotify account with your mobile application, you have to use a computer for this.

Before you delete your Spotify account, you have to from first cancel your Spotify premium subscription.

Note: If you don’t have a Computer around, download the puffin browser or chrome browser for your mobile device.

After launching it, at the top right corner is the options menu, scroll down and toggle/tick on the “Desktop View” mode.

How Do I Cancel Spotify Premium?

Step 1:
Visit the Spotify official site using your computer’s browser https://www.spotify.com/.

Log in if not logged in already. This takes you to your Spotify dashboard. If you don’t have a Spotify premium subscription, skip to the next section.

Step 2:
At the upper-right part of the page is your Profile, click this. A drop-down menu opens.

Step 3:
From the drop-down menu, click on “Account”. This opens your Spotify account page.

Step 4:
Below the “Spotify Premium” heading, click on “Manage Plan”. If you can’t find this option, click on the “Account Overview” tab. It’s at the top-left corner of the page. This ensures that you are on the correct page.

Step 5:
Somewhere in the middle of the page is a green “Change Or Cancel” button, click this.

Step 6:
Below the “Change Plans” header is a grey “Cancel Premium” button. Click this.

Step 7:
Confirm it. At the top of the page is a “Yes, Cancel” button, click this. This cancels your premium subscription.

How Do I Delete Spotify Account?

We’ll be working with our PC again, if you don’t have a computer handy, go up to see how to get around this.

Step 1:
Visit Spotify customer page; Click this link https://support.spotify.com/contact-spotify-support/. If you aren’t logged in already, enter your login details to log in.

Step 2:
At the top of the page, below the “Please Select A Category” header, click on Account.

Step 3:
Click on “I Want To Close My Spotify Account Permanently”. You cant find this in the middle of the page,  in the “Please Select A Topic”.

Step 4:
On the next page, below the “Miss Me” details, click the black “Close Account” button.

Step 5:
Confirm your deletion. Spotify wants you to confirm the delete, click the “Close Account” blue button at the lower-right corner of the page.

Step 6:
Before the account complete annihilation, give it a quick review to confirm if it’s yours.

Step 7:
Click “Continue” at the lower right part of your page.

Step 8:
Go through the writings on the page then, check the “I Understand, And Still Want To Close My Account” box. You might have to scroll down to find this box.

Step 9:
Click the blue “Continue” button. It’s at the lower-right corner of the page. This prompts Spotify to send a confirmation email to the account’s email.

From Email Inbox

Step 10:
Go to your email inbox. Locate the email sent by Spotify, in it, you will find the “Confirmation” button.

If you signed up for Spotify with your Facebook account or any other service, the email you used in creating that “Service” is what you’ll check.

Step 11:
Go through the email and click the confirmation link sent.

This will send your Spotify account to the recycle bin.

How Do I Restore My Recently Deleted Spotify Account?

If after 7 days you make no attempt to reactivate your account, the account is gone forever.

If you login in between the 7 days of grace, your Spotify account will be restored.

If you can’t restore the account from here, contact Spotify customer care or open a ticket in the forums.

Spotify replies quickly.

You’ve learned how to delete Spotify account, check out other how-to topics on HowTo9ja:


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