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How to spend holidays with your children on school break - General - Earboard

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How to spend holidays with your children on school break by : 3:02 pm On August 9, 2018

The long holiday is here again with children jumping for joy while parents cringe with the thought of entertaining their children during this period. The holiday is a relaxation time, but for parents of young children, without school activities, it can seem like a chore instead of relaxation time.

To help children have a sense of fulfillment, parents can offer them many opportunities to become involved everyday in one activity or the other during the summer months by coming up with great ideas that will keep them occupied.

Holiday coaching
Still not sure of how to keep your children busy all through the holidays, below are some guides on how parents can keep their children gainfully occupied, energized and mentally prepared for the new school session.
Aside the summer lessons, one of the simplest ways to keep kids busy is to take them to the local library, most of which have free reading programmes that will allow them earn prizes for books they read. If you make a weekly trip to the library, then you will have one less day to worry about.
Outdoor activities
Be it swimming, camping or movies, outdoor activities help children develop their social skills. Swimming is a great activity for kids to stay busy during the holidays as they get to exercise, have fun and stay cool.
The good thing about a camping trip is that it will get your family out of the house for a few days though it will need some planning.
To keep your kids busy during this period, it will take more than just the swimming pool and the library. Movies are great because your children can simply rest a bit and most local movie theatres will have a summer deal for kids.
Arts and crafts can be as simple as coloring a page in a coloring book , sewing a new outfit or building a play house. You can also get a lot of ideas from your local arts and craft store.
Some crafts can take a few minutes to a few hours, or it could be a major project that will take most of the holiday to complete. Either way, your kids are sure to stay busy during the break with arts and crafts!


Exercise is great for kids of all ages and you may find a sport your child is interested in. Participation in a sports team can vary from lessons to competitive and can last from a week to the whole summer.
Take time this holiday to allow your children cultivate a garden either in your backyard or containers on your balconies. Watching plants grow – and watering and feeding plants – give children a sense of purpose and something to look forward to everyday.
Remember, because it is holiday period doesn’t mean that parents cannot help their children keep up to speed on learning so they don’t lose valuable knowledge.

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