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Jamb 2019 Change of Course and Institution Form Is out – See Closing Date - Education - Earboard

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Jamb 2019 Change of Course and Institution Form Is out – See Closing Date by : 6:13 pm On January 30, 2019

Did you make any mistake in your Jamb details?  Do you want to change your course or institution?  If yes, this article is for you. If you made in any mistake such as wrong institution, course, gender or local government; cry no more because you can easily change it using the Jamb change of course and institution form.  In this article, you will learn how to change your Jamb course, institution and other details.  Read below for full detail.

Jamb Change of Course and Institution Logo
Jamb Change of Course and Institution Logo

Below is a list of details you can correct using the Jamb Change of Course and Institution form

  1. Names Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  2. Passport Photograph Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  3. Gender Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  4. UTME Subjects Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  5. State/LGA Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  6. Profile Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  7. Choice of Institution/Course Correction (Correction can only be done more than once with separate payments)


Those are the details you can correct.  Now,  read below for information on how to go about correcting those details. Again, remember that some of those details can only be corrected once so be careful while doing this correction.


How to Change Your Jamb Course and Institution

Jamb Change of course and institution is a straight forward process and you can even do it at the comfort of your home.  To change your course or institution or any other detail, follow the steps below:

  1. You shall be required to create a profile via the Sign Up (New User) Page on https://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility if you are a new user. For existing users, simply type in your login details. To create your profile, you will provide your valid email address, surname, first name, Mobile No, State and LGA of Origin and password, then click on the Sign Up button. Each candidate is entitled to only one profile.


  1. Subsequently, you shall use your email address and password to sign in.


  1. Once logged in, you will be taken to the landing page where you will see all available services.


  1. Select “Correction of Data”. This is available on the sidebar or on the Home page


  1. Once selected, the menu item “Course/Institution” will be revealed. Click this.


  1. Once you select this service, a Transaction ID is generated for this service. This will be displayed on the confirmation page screen.


  1. Review the details displayed on the Confirmation Page. Also, note the Transaction ID displayed in a bold red font. The Transaction ID is useful for all future references concerning the Transaction. A copy of this transaction ID will be sent to your registered email address.


  1. Click on the Continue button if you wish to pay with your card immediately. If you wish to use other payment channels like ATM, Cash at the Bank or Quickteller, please note the transaction ID as it will be required.


  1. On the Interswitch Payment page, enter your card details and click on the Pay button.


  1. The status of your payment will be displayed on the “My Payment Section” An SMS and email containing your unique Transaction Identification and payment status will be sent to you after payment. Click on the Continue button.


  1. Once payment is completed, you will be asked to provide the following:
  2. Year of Exam and
  3. JAMB Registration Number


  1. After entering the information correctly, new options for Preferred course/Institution and second choices will appear. Options available will be based on availability.


  1. Click Submit to complete your application.


  1. JAMB will now process your application. If Approved, your details will be changed as requested.


That is all!  As you can see, the process is straightforward.  But if you can’t, simply visit any cyber cafe or any accredited Jamb CBT center and ask them to do it for you.


Jamb 2019 Change of Course and Institution Closing Date

As of the time of writing this article, no date has been announced for the closing of Jamb change of course and institution form.


Jamb 2019 Change of Course and Institution  Portal

The Jamb 2019 change of course and institution portal is https://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility. Just copy and paste the address to visit the site now.


Thanks for reading! Please share with your friends


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