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LEADERSHIP by beckyoh: 8:51 pm On July 29, 2018 |
Hi readers out there. I’m Becca and I’m here to share a little something about business and taking a step forward smiles. The topic for today is LEADERSHIP. I hope you all enjoy it wink.
Leadership is the state or position of been a leader. It is also the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Leadership is taking the responsibility to lead a set of people along the line of a vision with an expected end in view. Leadership is the act of shouldering responsibilities while leading followers to a set goal. Definition: Leadership is the ability to influence needed resources to convert a vision into reality. These are key words highlighted and in the end, I will add one more that is the overall result of all: ~The ability ~The influence ~The resources ~The conversion ~The vision ~The reality ~The authority Don’t forget this equation: Personal + Leadership = Personal Leadership We have defined Leadership. Let’s define the word Personal. Personal means yours, mine, ours & theirs. Let’s focus on the word yours or better still your. Let’s now combine the two definitions of Personal & Leadership to have a clear definition of *Personal Leadership. Definition: Personal Leadership is YOUR ability to influence needed resources to convert your vision into reality. There are so called public leaders and figures everywhere offering solutions on HOW TO(S) that hasn’t produced any result in their own lives. That’s not leadership. We must not put the cart before the horse; we must not put public leadership before public leadership. Personal Leadership must be your model for public leadership. As the saying goes: You can’t give what you don’t have. Beware of a naked man that promises to clothe others. How do you control a whole nation if you cannot control a stick of cigarette? How do you promise to change a nation in few years if you can’t change your underwear for one week? How do you be in control of power for years when you can’t be in control of five-minute pleasure? He is a slave that cannot master himself. Don’t get it twisted, true leaders are not perfect people (without weaknesses or shortcomings) but, they lead from the perspectives of the positive results their strengths have translated into and warn men from the perspectives of the negative results their weaknesses have converted into. The bottom line is: Leadership is by example and it’s through personal Leadership that these examples, (personal results) through application of principles in different situations and on several occasions, are established and authority is conferred on you to lead others. A hand that is not tested in small matters should not be trusted with great matters. ~The Ability: According to Stephen P. Robbins, “Ability is an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job.” According to Keith Davis, “Ability is the quality of being able to do something, especially the physical, mental, financial or legal power to accomplish something.” Ability can be passive and it can also be active. Ability represent your worth, capital or strength. Every leader should and must evaluate their leadership capacity in the light of their: §Mental Ability §Financial Ability §Legal Ability §Physical Ability and §Social Ability
Mental Ability This simply focus on your knowledge economy. How many books do you have in the strategic areas relevant to your vision? If you are into Human Rights, give the details of your knowledge economy. How many books? Do you read per day? What do you read per day? How about strategic trainings and workshops? How many trainings have you paid for? How many books bought? Financial Ability They said “If it doesn’t make money, it doesn’t make sense.” smiles. What’s the economic conversion rate of your knowledge and ideas? African Youths can attend all the seminars in the world, even the ones not relevant to the needs of their visions…. But what’s the point of so much knowledge if it doesn’t have social and economic value? Social Ability If it’s not making money yet, it should create name. What’s your social capital? How powerful is your name? Are you recommendable? Are you a force to reckon with? Legal Value Are you registered? Lots of youths are having organisations they have been running for years but with no registration or affiliation with the government as legally registered organisation.
Personal Leadership matters in all the areas listed and explained above and much more. As I round up, I need to let you that KNOWLEDGE CONVERSION is key. So, let me share some of my writeups on KNOWLEDGE CONVERSION with you. Are tired of seminar upon seminars but nothing to show for it? Books upon books but no results? You have got to learn to convert your knowledge into results so that many can follow your principles and reproduce.
————————————————— Authors Note: If you like my write-up, do comment and I continue on KNOWLEDGE CONVERSION on my next write up or so. I hope you did like the write up. Peace out. |
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