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NECO GCE 2019 Commerce (Obj & Essay) Expo Answers - Education - Earboard

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NECO GCE 2019 Commerce (Obj & Essay) Expo Answers by : 7:42 pm On December 2, 2019

Are you looking for the NECO GCE 2019 Commerce (Objective and Essay) Expo questions and answers? If yes, you have come to the right place. The expo questions and answers are already out. If you have subscribed to the Expo, click on the button below to view it. Else, continue reading.

Commerce OBJ:

A contract can simply be defined as an agreement between two or more persons which is intended to be enforced by law.

(i) A broker is not in possession of the goods.
(ii) He cannot sell in his own name.

(i) A factor has possession of the goods.
(ii) He can sell in his own name.

(i) Innocent misinterpretation : A misinterpretation is said to be innocent if the marker has reasonable ground to believe that the statement is true.
(ii) Fraudulent misinterpretation : A misinterpretation is fraudulent if the party making it knows that it is false or it makes it without honest belief in its truth.
(iii) Negligent misinterpretation : Negligent misinterpretation is a false statement made by a person who has no reasonable ground for believing the statement to be true.

(i)Authority of Heads of State and Government.
(ii)the Council of Ministers
(iii)the Community Tribunal
(iv)Community Court of Justice

(I)to promote cooperation among members.
(ii)Abolition of trade restrictions and Customs Duties
(iii)to maintain and enhance economic stability among it members.
(iv)Harmonization of Agricultural, Economic, Monetary and Industrial Policies
(v)foster relations among Member States
(vi)contribute to the progress of members state.
(vii)integration of members state
(viii)Harmonization of Agricultural, Economic, Monetary and Industrial Policies.

E-commerce is referred to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.

(i)Lower Costs
(ii)Eliminate Travel Time and Cost
(iii)Provide Comparison Shopping
(iv)Provide Abundant Information

(i)Lower Costs; One of the most tangible positives of e-commerce is the lowered cost. A part of these lowered costs could be passed on to customers in the form of discounted prices

(ii)Eliminate Travel Time and Cost; It is not unusual for customers to travel long distances to reach their preferred physical store. E-commerce allows them to visit the same store virtually, with just a few mouse clicks

(iii)Provide Comparison Shopping; E-commerce facilitates comparison shopping. There are several online services that allow customers to browse multiple e-commerce merchants and find the best prices.

(iv)Provide Abundant Information; the amount of information that can be displayed in a physical store. It is difficult to equip employees to respond to customers who require information across product lines

Market segmentation is the activity of dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into sub-groups of consumers based on some type of shared characteristics


(i)Product; This is what you are offering to the market. It is a very important part of the marketing mix as it is what you will use to attract the customers. When developing a product, it is imperative that you come up with a product that solves a certain problem for your target market.

(ii)Price; There are quite a number of factors that go into determining the price of a product including the operation costs and distribution costs incurred while availing the product to the market. One very important factor that you should never forget though is your target market.

(iii)Place; Place is a very important factor in the marketing mix. Marketing is all about getting customers for your product. It is thus imperative that you reach out to these customers. To do so, you have to get to where they are.

(iv)Promoting; the product is all about selling your idea to the customer; showing your customer how the product will be of benefit to them and that it will be good value for their money.

Discount House; is a firm that buys, sells, discounts, and negotiates bills of exchange or promissory notes. This is generally performed on a large scale with transactions that also include government bonds and Treasury bills.

Franchising; is a form of business by which the owner (franchisor) of a product, service or method obtains distribution through affiliated dealers (franchisees).

kiosk; is a small, stand-alone booth typically placed in high-traffic areas for business purposes. It typically provides information and applications on education etc.

Mobile shop; is a large vehicle that travels from place to place and from which goods are sold.

variety store; is a retail store that sells a wide range of inexpensive household goods. Variety stores often have product lines including food and drink, personal hygiene products.


Please note that our Expo is only available to those that paid for it. We don’t offer free Expo or Runz. We were providing it for free but much money is involved in running it. As such, we are unable to continue the free Expo.

If you need the NECO GCE 2019 Commerce Expo questions and answers, you should get ready to subscribe to it. It will cost you between N400 and N600. So, you can see that the price is not too high.

For candidates that want to subscribe to the Expo, we have three subscription plans. We have the Whatsapp plan, the Link and Password Plan and the SMS plan. Each plan has its price. Below is the subscription price list;

  • Link and Password: N400
  • Whatsapp mode: N500
  • SMS: N600

The Link and Password plan is for those that need the password to unlock the answers on our website. Whatsapp mode is for candidates that need the questions and answers on Whatsapp. If you need the answers as SMS on your phone, you should go for the SMS plan. Here is how to pay for the plans.

Check the price of the plan you are paying for and buy MTN recharge card equivalent to the price. Send the pin to 09067385575. See how to send it below;

NECO GCE 2019 Commerce (Obj & Essay) Expo Answers
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How to send the card: Type the card pin, your subjects, phone number & plan paid for and send to 09067385575. You can also call or message the above number for more details.

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Tags: NECO GCE 2019 Commerce Essay answers, NECO GCE 2019 Commerce Objective Answers, NECO GCE Commerce Expo, NECO GCE Commerce Essay Expo, Neco GCE 2019 Commerce Theory and Obj Answers, NECO Expo, NECO GCE Expo, NECO GCE Commerce Questions and Answers, NECO GCE Expo, Free Neco GCE 2019 Commerce Questions, NECO GCE 2019 Commerce OBJ Answers, NECO GCE 2019 Commerce (Objective & Essay) Questions & Answers

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