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Olamide – Motigbana (Prod. Killertunes) - General - Earboard

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Olamide – Motigbana (Prod. Killertunes) by : 3:58 am On August 28, 2018

Olamide Motigbana Cover

Another hit Nigerian song in the #TopNaijaSongs is the song titled “Motigbana” by the popular Nigerian rapper in the name Olamide.

Motigbana was produced by the Killertunes and sung by Olamide. Motigbana, similar to the many other hits by the untiring artiste, is among the top rated songs in Nigeria. It is uncommon to go for any Nigerian event without the DJ playing Motigbana at least two to three times before the event closes.

The song carries a lot of good vibes and as you listen to the talented rapper rolls words in rhyme to the music; your body is automatically set into dancing to the tune of the music.

Olamide is largely regarded as the best when it comes to rap songs and making good songs in general.

This year has seen Olamide released several tracks which are all success and played in every nook and cranny of the country.

His songs, appealing largely to dancehall audience; has made the artiste go viral in Nigeria and Africa at large. The popularity of the now-most-used style of dancing “Shaku Shaku” is largely attributed to Olamide’s Shaku Shaku song.

Disclaimers: We do not have the authorized rights to distribute, reproduce or provide a downloading link for this song (Motigbana).

This article is, therefore, nothing but my own personal review and does not represent the public opinion.

If you are the owner of this song and would like us to make it available for public downloading, you can use our contact form to notify us.

Read more articles in #Olamide, #TopNaijaSongs


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