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Saraki to lead other dignitaries to ‘Ojude Oba’ - General - Earboard

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Saraki to lead other dignitaries to ‘Ojude Oba’ by : 2:49 am On August 7, 2018

The Senate Senate President President , , Dr Dr Bukola Bukola Saraki Saraki , , will will lead lead other other eminent eminent Nigerians Nigerians to to this this year year ’ ’ s s ‘ ‘ Ojude Ojude Oba Oba ’ ’ festival festival scheduled scheduled to to hold hold later later this this month month in in Ijebu Ijebu Ode Ode , , Ogun Ogun State State . .
The The chairman chairman of of the the festival festival organising organising committee committee , , Otunba Otunba Wahab Wahab Osinusi Osinusi , , disclosed disclosed this this on on Monday Monday at at the the Awujale Awujale palace palace hall hall , , Ijebu Ijebu Ode Ode , , during during the the press press conference conference to to herald herald the the festival festival , , which which will will hold hold two two days days after after the the Eid Eid – – el el – – Kabir Kabir celebration celebration . .
He He said saidit it was was the the practice practice for for an an eminent eminent Nigerian Nigerian , , supported supported by by others others , , to to superintend superintend over over the the event event . .
He He said said , , “ “ We We are are inviting inviting him him ( ( Saraki Saraki ) ) as as an an individual individual and and as as an an eminent eminent Nigerian Nigerian . . Every Every year year , , when when we we celebrate celebrate the the festival festival , , an an eminent eminent personality personality would would be be the the special special guest guest of of honour honour . .
“ “ In In the the past past , , we we have have had had the the Governor Governor of of Bayelsa Bayelsa State State , , Seriake Seriake Dickson Dickson , , among among others others . . ” ”
Osinusi Osinusi said said it it was was erroneous erroneous to to refer refer to to the the festival festival as as an an avenue avenue only only for for fashion fashion and and cultural cultural display display , , pointing pointing out out that that the the festival festival was was also also a a veritable veritable platform platform to totransform transform Ijebuland Ijebulandin in terms terms of of infrastructural infrastructural development development . .
He He noted noted that that the the age age grades grades , , popularly popularly known known as as the the ‘ ‘ Regberegbe Regberegbe ’ ’ , , all all conceived conceived and and executed executed various various projects projects annually annually aimed aimed at at further further developing developing Ijebuland Ijebuland . .
Osinusi Osinusisaid said one one of ofthe the age age – – grade grade societies societies , , ‘ ‘ Egbe Egbe Bobagbeye Bobagbeye ’ ’ , , for for instance instance , , had had constructed constructed a a maternity maternity centre centre and andan an eye eyeclinic clinic that that would wouldsoon soon be be opened opened . .
He He added added that that some some others others had had awarded awarded scholarships scholarships to to indigent indigent but but brilliant brilliant students students of of Ijebu Ijebu origin origin in in different different levels levels of of education education . .
While While he he commended commended major major sponsors sponsors of of the the festival festival such such as as Globacom Globacom and and First First City City Monument Monument Bank Bank Plc Plc , , among among others others , , he he said said the the festival festival had had existed existed for for over over two two centuries centuries . .
He He said said , , “ “ The The festival festival is is not not only only about about the the equestrian equestrian display display , , parade parade of of culture culture and and tradition tradition , , merrymaking merrymaking and and funfair funfair . .
“ “ It Itprovides provides the the Ijebu Ijebu nation nation with with the the opportunity opportunity to to supplicate supplicate to to the the Almighty Almighty God God , , take take stock stock , , embark embark on on self self – – help help projects projects and and reunite reunite with with family family members members and and acquaintances acquaintances

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