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Steps on how to quit s*****g of weed - General - Earboard |
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Steps on how to quit s*****g of weed by rayrozay: 3:43 am On July 9, 2018 |
When someone is obsessed with the s*****g of weed and you wants to stop with immediate has to observed some certain process or steps to curb it.. Stop purchasing them/getting it If you have committed yourself to living weed-free than this should be your first step. Unlike tobacco or alcohol, stopping buying weed should be the easiest part of quitting, since it is not so readily available – unless you live in a state when recreational m*******a is legal. You can’t smoke it if you don’t get it. This step involves nothing more than sheer willpower.
Get rid of paraphernalia During your weed-s*****g days, you probably surrounded yourself with all kinds of accessories, pipes, bongs, rolling papers, grinders, etc. Once you have entered that new, weed-free phase in your life, it can only makes matters worse to have all those triggers around you. So it only makes sense to get rid of them all. If some of those accessories were expensive or hold some kind of sentimental value, you can give them away just so you don’t have to see them everyday.
Controlling Craving The most serious of these pitfalls is the incessant cravings that come with quitting all of a sudden. +++Doing something else – Seems really simple, doesn’t it? But it is true that distracting yourself from wanting to smoke weed is a very easy way to control your cravings. Take up a hobby, do something you always wanted to do but were too high too start or finish and you will forget all about weed. Get a good motivation from your family/friends As a victim of this The first things you need to do is involve your friends and family in your venture. They can be your biggest motivation and can help you stay positive 24/7. Without their help and support you will feel lonely, even depressed and might want to go back. Trick the brain,minimize the withdrawals I think this is one of the best method. The simplest trick to make sure you suffer the minimum withdrawals is to set up your pot portions ahead of time and take only as much amount as you have promised yourself. So, treat it just like taking your medication and not a recreational activity. Then gradually reduce the amount you take before you eventually stop. See a therapist When you are not satisfied with other methods,at this level you can now invite De therapist or vist the therapists. If all else fails and you’re still having trouble with withdrawals, do see a therapist. You might think there is some stigma attached to it, but let’s not forget that a bigger stigma is attached to excessive weed s*****g. Try to find someone who specializes in addiction issues, more specifically in m*******a addiction. You may also join a support group so you could talk to people going through the same situation as you. It can be very helpful to share your thoughts with them and to listen to their thoughts and learn how they are coping with their predicament. As the adage that says “” A problem shared is a problem Solved””..
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