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Summary of the Jamb Novel “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullai - Education - Earboard

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Summary of the Jamb Novel “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullai by : 12:26 pm On January 21, 2019

A summary helps to shape the information you have gathered from a book in a way that you can easily understand and recall. What I normally do after reading any novel is to draft a summary of the novel. With the summary, I don’t have to go and read the novel from the beginning again; something that might be very stressful and time-consuming. Whenever I go through the summary, all the information in the novel will immediately become fresh in my mind. The summary of Jamb 2020 novel “Sweet Sixteen” is already out. Read below for the summary

Sweet Sixteen Novel Cover Picture
Sweet Sixteen Novel Cover Picture

Sweet Sixteen is an interesting novel written by Bolaji Abdullai and it is the official novel for the JAMB UTME Use of English exam. English is a compulsory subject, every Jamb candidate must write, so there is no escape route for the novel. You must read it, study it and master the role of every character in the novel as well as knowing some quotations from the novel by heart.

Also check out the expected questions from JAMB 2020 Sweet Sixteen Novel; click here

 Basic Information from the Novel Sweet Sixteen

Author of Sweet 16: Bolaji Abdullai

Genre: The Genre of Sweet Sixteen is Fiction

Number of Pages: Pages is Sweet Sixteen: 157

Publication Year: Sweet sixteen was published on February 1, 2017

Summary of the Novel, Sweet Sixteen for Jamb 2019 UTME

Description of the novel

Aliya has to constantly remind her father that she is not a child but ‘a young adult.’ He does not always agree with her.

But now that she is turning sixteen, he is sitting up and taking notice. The expected birthday card from him is replaced by a present and no holds barred letter – a page for each year she has lived.

It chronicles the lessons he has tried to teach her and the wisdom he has attempted to pass to her. It unburdens the burning questions she has about life and sometimes shows through the carelessness of parental units.

Aliya questions who she is and why she is; with her father as a guide on this journey of discovery.

Brief Summary Of JAMB Novel Sweet Sixteen

In a way to put pen into writing and presenting the major theme in the book, the author captures Aliya Bello a teenage girl who is curious but filled with fascination as well as very inquisitive especially to the realities of life.

Aliya has a responsible, loving and caring father Bello. Mr. Bello as a journalist plays an important role in the characterization of the book as the is seen as one who is always making way for the protagonist.

Mr. Bello, as seen in the book portrays himself as a loving and a good father made sure that her daughter was properly educated and informed and he handles vital part of that education which is s**x education.

Full Summary of Jamb Novel “Sweet Sixteen” by Bolaji Abdullahi

In writing Sweet Sixteen, BolajiAbdullahi, a former Nigerian Minister of Youths and Sports, among other previous jobs, must have critically weighed the above positions before taking on a smorgasbord of young adult topics that ranged from bullying, dating, stereotype, ethics and s3x education, among others.

In pushing out his themes, the author finds a good ally in Aliya Bello, a teenager with a curious, fascinating and inquisitive mind and a devoted as well as a responsible father.

Mr Bello, as expected of any good father, took responsibility for the education of his daughter, including the tricky but very important aspect of s3x education.

Aliya is, therefore, fortunate to have a father who does not leave her to struggle alone with the demons that usually torment teenagers when awash in a flood of hormones and the pull of peer pressure.

The result is a compelling tale, loaded with morality and textured with rich lyrical prose and young adult lingo…story-story, my bestie, OMG among others.

The storyline has an upper-middle-class flavour with luxuriant meals, leisurely Saturday drives and a Mrs Bello, the nurse, often distant from father and daughter.

But in the hinterland between fact and fiction, the author is able to deftly sift the core values from the emotion, the treat from the trick and for this, parents and guardians will forever be grateful.

The book is majorly divided into seven sections and each of this section has a nexus connecting each together and there is a flow of ideas from one section to another.

The sections explored in this book include:

  • The Letter
  • The Drive
  • Work
  • The Gandhi Test
  • Dating
  • Stereotype and Beauty

From the entire book and the sweet sixteen summary, we have seen a form of series of conversation involving both Mr. Bello, the Journalist and vigorous and precocious sixteen year old daughter who is very smart and intelligent and their conversation circles around the facts and the realities of life.

Though Aliya is sixteen, but she puts her father into furry and off by asking him questions beyond his imaginations even as a journalist father tries to tackle some of these questions.

Numerous questions which the Young minor asked bits her dad’s imagination and we have seen various questions like ‘’Okay Daddy, what does HAK and KOTL mean?,’’ while she asked her father for the response, Aliya asked. And when the father says or expressed his ignorance of the said acronyms, Aliya rigorously supplied them she will respond like

‘’HAK means ‘Hugs and Kisses’ while KOTL means ‘Kiss On The Lips’. And when she added that some students were caught on the school’s basketball court at night having ’53X’ (s3x), Mr. Bello, the Journalist father almost fainted.

‘’But…how do you know all these?, ’’ he inquired with deep projection to what the Young girl will have to tell her, and Aliya replied: ‘’Come on Daddy, everybody knows these things.”

From the book and in attempts to give a detailed analysis of Bolaji Abdullahi Sweet Sixteen summary, the author has written expressively and ineptly on contemporary issues that affect and bothers life such as politics and issues surrounding policy development and he gives an unabsorbing truth on issues affecting teenage life and the murky truths which surrounds young adolescent.

It is on Aliya’s part to be lucky to have a companion who rescues her from the erstwhile of circumstances surrounding teens especially as they mixed with others and there is heavy pressure from their peers. With her father, the girl is able to conquer and fight the demon.

From this Jamb Sweet Sixteen Summary we have seen a carefully written fictional text put up by the author with distinguished stylistic components to address facts revolving on morality though tale, the book is composed in a dynamic richness in lyrical and lingo for a young adolescent.

It is also worthy to notes that the writer employs his choice of words to suits the present century of a young person’s where words like story-story, my bestie, OMG are being employed.

The choice of words portrayed and as seen in the book is simple and straight forward and the author employs very conveniently and familiar words to teenagers which the central message (theme) is connected with.

The author has demonstrated that teenage prowess and teenage wildness and exploring attitude, peer influence can be curbed by even parents.



  1. https://myschool.ng/news/exam-revision-for-the-novel-sweet-sixteen-by-bolaji-abdullahi
  2. https://schoolnewsng.com/jamb-sweet-sixteen/

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