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The Benefits That Will Be Derived From The Government Showing Interest In Agriculture - Education - Earboard

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The Benefits That Will Be Derived From The Government Showing Interest In Agriculture by : 3:22 pm On May 15, 2018

Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the benefits that will be derived from the government showing interest in agriculture.

The Benefits That Will Be Derived From The Government Showing Interest In Agriculture

Agriculture is one of those means which the government of any country that knows its value can use to improve the lives of her citizens and the economy. Unfortunately, the government of Nigeria is yet to show serious interest in agriculture which would have been a major source of revenue than the so-called black gold, that is, cru de oil.

If the government can show interest in agriculture, there is a lot to benefit from it. Some of these benefits are stated in the following paragraphs.

First, the major benefit of agriculture to the people of the country is the availability of cheap and quality food for all. When the government develops interest in agriculture and promotes it, there will be large production of food crops. Then, there will be good food for all and the problem of malnutrition is solved; poverty is also partly tackled.

Another benefit to be derived from government’s interest in agriculture is that there will be huge amount of money generated as income or revenue from the sales of the agricultural produce within the country and even from international market.

The agricultural sector requires large labour force; so employment opportunities are other benefits which are created for Nigeria’s teeming unemployed graduates and able-bodied men and women who are not gainfully employed. This can therefore solve the problem of unemployment facing our country today.

Furthermore, since agriculture provides cheap food and employment, then the menace of crime in our society can be solved. When government does everything necessary to make agriculture interesting, then there will be food for people to eat money to spend. This therefore reduces crime rate in the society.

Moreover, agriculture helps to improve the other sectors of the economy. The agro-allied industries will have enough raw materials to carry out their production processes. This will in turn develop the entire economy.

With agriculture being focused on, there will be a reduction on the dependence of the nation on crude oil as a major source of revenue in our economy.

If the government can consider the above-mentioned benefits and act positively towards their attainment, she will be fulfilling her social responsibility to the populace or the masses.


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