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The Urgent Need For The Nigerian Government To Upgrade And Support Its Teeming Talented Youths - Technology - Earboard

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The Urgent Need For The Nigerian Government To Upgrade And Support Its Teeming Talented Youths by : 3:38 pm On November 26, 2018

The technological power and talent of any nation goes a long way to determine the standard of living of such nation and how rich or popular the nation is. Countries like China, USA, Japan, Germany to mention but a few are some of the countries that discovered and put to proper use their technological abilities. They have not only transformed their environment to the envy of the world but have also converted their products like cars, aircrafts, weapons etc to huge source of revenues which earns them billions of dollars annually.

Today China is the world’s leading manufacturer of goods and services, China produces anything worth producing. Ranging from clothes, shoes, bags to house utilities like ceramic plates, tiles, electronics of all sorts. The hard truth is that China was not up to the level where Nigeria is now just a couple of years ago. The standard of living was so low, they also have a very large population and they were passing through very rough times. But they realized their potentials, understood themselves and took a U-Turn and everything changed for better. Now there is nothing that great China cannot produce, currently it has one of the largest global market in terms of incomes and revenues, comfortably competing with the mighty USA. No wonder why the American president, Donald Trump is busy giving her sanctions so as to curb her fast growing financial power and expansion which keeps on rising.

But far away Africa, the motherland. There is a wonderfully talented and technologically gifted country called Nigeria where almost everything is done the wrong way. Nigeria is a country richly blessed with different types of technological talents like car production, sophisticated weapons, different industrial and food processing machineries, radio transmitter and receiver and lots more. Go to many universities, you will see many machines and devices long abandoned by very creative youths because there is no financial back up to either finish up or perfect the projects. lt is very hard to imagine that Nigeria prefers to import from countries like China what its youths can produce right here in Nigeria.

On the news everyday, we hear about billions of Naira been disbursed for various infrastructures but at the end of the day there is nothing reasonable to show for it. The politicians are busy looting billions and going scot-free. Had it been these funds are used to sponsor or empower and upgrade the skills of these talented youths, we could probably be behind China or even better than them by now.

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