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This month, go for value - General - Earboard

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This month, go for value by : 4:07 pm On August 5, 2018

Let’s talk about people. Two kind of people.


Picture them standing on a ladder but at different heights—even though they started off at the same time. Say the only information available to us about why they are at different stages of personal journey is attitude.


Let me show you a verse of scripture.


“You say, ‘I am allowed to DO ANYTHING’–but not everything is GOOD for you. You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’–but not everything is BENEFICIAL.” (1 Corinthians 10:23-24 NLT)


Did you see them? The two people, with two different attitudes. There is the “Do anything” attitude. Then the “DO what good, AKA what edifies.”


One says, “You only live once! So waste it all away.” The other says, “You only live once! So make the most of it.”


Some years ago, a friend of mine got a JAVA phone. I think it was NOKIA X2. I already had my 2700 before then. She came to me for help setting up 2GO and Facebook and stuffs. Something I did with joy.


I remember the first text I sent to her on 2GO (Well, not word-for-word)—“Congratulation, my dear. Welcome to the world. You have the entire globe in your palm.”


Thinking about it now, I can’t help laughing. That was one massive exaggeration. But, it has element of truth in it. With an internet-enabled cellphone on your palm, you have access without barriers to the whole world. Anyone in the world can see your content. You can connect to people living in countries you have never or might never visit. With you cellphone, international barriers are nothing.


DO ANYTHING! Does that ring a bell? That’s the first kind of attitude from our passage.


One of my first 50 friends on Facebook was Jacob, an Indian. He commented on a post by a minister I was stalking online. I thought, this dude enjoys the messages of this man as much as I do, why not send him a friend request. I did. He accepted. The rest, history.


On that same platform, I got connected to people who lived in the same town with me but nothing outside Facebook had brought us together. A few of them turned out to be people I can indeed call friends.


But here’s an irony. While the internet is open to everyone, only a few persons manage to gain visibility on the internet. And fewer have made a fortune off it. That’s where attitude comes in.


While some see the internet as some mysterious cocoon where you can do anything, say anything, be anything and get away with it. Others, however, see it as an opportunity to add value, an opportunity to do something beneficial.


One of the strongest reasons why people don’t do bad things is because they are afraid of going to hell. But they end up making their lives hell on earth with all the junk they have gotten themselves entangled with. There’s more to doing good than going to heaven. Fact is, you good deeds are not what qualifies you for heaven. But the question is, before we get to heaven, what’s the quality of your life here on earth?


In a world where way too much options than we can process is being thrown at our faces every second, there is no better time to be intentional, to live intentionally.


Point is, stick to what will add value to you. If something you’re doing is not adding to your physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual growth, you should consider doing less of it.




It’s the 4th day of August. Zimackos says Happy new month!

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