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TronChain Review – Scam or Legit? Find Out Here - Technology - Earboard

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TronChain Review – Scam or Legit? Find Out Here by : 11:30 am On September 28, 2020
  1. TronChain is a Tron version of Etherchain, a Ponzi scheme running on Ethereum blockchain. TronChain is a scam. Andreas Kartrud, a serial scammer, is said to be the brain behind it. It was reported that he had been involved in so many Ponzi schemes where the majority of the members lost their money.

Before you continue reading, be reminded that Etherchain, the Ethereum version of the scheme, is no longer functional. The site stopped working after the owner, Andreas Kartrud, drained all the funds in the contract basing his reason on the high gas fees on Ethereum network. About 5 million USD which was in the contract was brought to zero just in a second. Why didn’t he allow the members to continue earning and withdrawing until the contract goes dry naturally as he promised them in the beginning? The 5Million USD he moved out is for who? For himself, leaving the users that invested their money with none. Can you see the cheat?

According to Andreas, Etherchain was a verified smart contract that had zero human intervention. But then, how was he able to move all the funds out at once if the contract offered no feature for human intervention?  This is to show you that his claims are false and he will exit Tronchain same way. He has access to all the funds in the contract, he can close it whenever he wants. Don’t be deceived, Tronchain, Etherchain and Cyberchain are scams!

Do you still want to read more of the review? If yes, continue below…

TronChain also goes by the name Trx Chain. The website address is trxchain.io. A search on Dapradder also shows that there is another website which goes by the same name Tron Chain. The website address is Tron-chain.com. Although the website has the same function as Trxchain.com, I am yet to confirm if it is also managed by Andreas Kartrud. It is not listed on Eclipcity, so, it is possible Andreas is not the owner. Meanwhile, Ecplipcity is a website where Andreas lists his ponzi schemes.  About three websites are currently listed there at the time of writing this article.

Scammers have found that Ponzi schemes on a blockchain are a goldmine.  As such, they create multiple websites (different name but same function) to target their unsuspecting victims. Whichever one the balance grows big first, they drain it and fall back to the other website.

Users on Tronchain, like other exited sites, are promised 1% daily return of their investment for 310 days. TronChain offers no product or services. New members’ funds are used to pay old members’ withdrawal requests. Based on experience, programs of this nature hardly last long enough for even the early members to reap the fruit of their investment.

Prospects are usually deceived into joining the program by telling them that the program runs on a smart contract that cannot be manipulated. So long as there is money in the contract balance, users are made to believe that they will be paid whenever they request a withdrawal and nobody has access to drain the funds at once like the admin.

That is a lie!  A Smart Contract can have a code that allows the creator or any other assigned address to withdraw all the funds in the contract when they wish and that is why smart contracts are audited before it is declared safe. During the audition, programmers check the codes to know if they have any bug or code that counteracts the objective of the DAPP.

TronChain smart Contract has not been audited. It is listed under high-risk investments on Dappradar. Bank of Tron, a similar project, has not been functional after the creator made away with all the money in the contract. 200Tron, Tron250, etc were once the talk of Ponzi promoters but all went down the same way.

The creator of Tronchain is probably waiting for the balance to reach his expectation so he can clear the balance. Tronchain does not offer any security. Your funds are at risk of loss!



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