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A Letter to the Ministry of Works Complaining about The Deplorable Conditions of Roads

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A Letter to the Ministry of Works Complaining about The Deplorable Conditions of Roads by : 4:29 am On June 25, 2018

Write a letter to the minister of works in your country complaining about the deplorable condition of the roads in your area and the effects this has on the lives of your people.

It is pertinent to note that among the worst hit of the roads in Lagos State is that of Ikate area of Surulere Local Government. This is my area and to be candid we in this area have suffered so much that majority of us have suffered so much that majority of us have learnt to do distant and long jumps perfectly that one of our recent bronze medalists of the 2008 Olympics emerged from Ikate area.

This is not a matter of laughter, it a matter that calles for concern and the well-being of my people in Ikate. Most of the gutters in Ikate have over-flowed into the streets and as such have left the roads always water-logged throughout the year.

Motorists and pedestrians are always at loggerheads over the splashing of black water on people. As a result of the linkages of most of the roads to various parts of Surlier and Mushin local government area, there is always heavy traffic of vehicles on the waterlogged streets deepening the streets and roads as they make through it all the year round. The effect of this is the various potholes, gullies and dilapidated gutters where people often fall into always.

Most car-owners in Ikate have parked their cars in front of their houses due to constant change of spare parts most especially  absorbers, bearings, brake pads and other relatled parts that almost ruined them.

In view of the above, I hereby call on the director of Environmental Protection Agency to come to the aid of my area as economic activities are almost grounded. Where this is done, I believe more revenue would accrue to the purse of the government and the life of the people safer.


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