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ASUU Strike Latest News: NANS Begins Protest, Tells Buhari To Meet ASUU Demands or Lose Election

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ASUU Strike Latest News: NANS Begins Protest, Tells Buhari To Meet ASUU Demands or Lose Election by : 11:09 am On November 20, 2018

ASUU Strike Latest News: NANS Begins Protest, Tells Buhari To Meet ASUU Demands or Lose Election


“The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has threatened to jeopardise the chances of  Muhammadu Buhari winning  the 2019 presidential election if the President refuses to meet the demands of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU).

ASUU 2018

This was disclosed by the NANS’ National Public Relations Officer,  Azeez Adeyemi, on Monday after a peaceful protest  by the association in Abeokuta, Ogun State.

ASUU Strike Update Day 16: NANS Begins Protest, Tells Buhari To Meet ASUU Demands or Lose Election


In his words, “We won’t continue to serve a government that does not understand the value of education. If you choose not to yield to the demands of ASUU and COEASU, we will  continue our protest.


“Mr. President, NANS is giving you this for free that, come 2019, we are going to show you the  road through our votes  to Daura  if after today’s nationwide  protest, you still refuse to respect the voice of over 50 million Nigerian students.


Adeyemi, also expressed concern over the state of tertiary institutions across the country, accusing the Buhari-led government of budgeting low funds for the education sector.



  1. https://myschool.ng/news/asuu-strike-update-day-15-nans-begins-protest-tells-buhari-to-meet-asuu-demands-or-lose-election




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