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BREAKING: Man Who Supplies Guns To Cattle Rustler And Rubbers finally Nabbed In kastina

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BREAKING: Man Who Supplies Guns To Cattle Rustler And Rubbers finally Nabbed In kastina by : 12:39 pm On July 13, 2018
A man who had always supplied guns to cattle rustlers with which they carry out their criminal acts, has been arrested.

A man who had always supplied guns to cattle
Safiyanu Amadu
Safiyanu Amadu, a 50-year-old man has been arrested by the Katsina Police Command for alleged gun-running.
According to Punch Metro, Safiyanu Amadu of Barbelu village in the Bakori Local Government Area of Katsina State was alleged to be a notorious gunrunner who supplied arms and ammunition to cattle rustlers, kidnappers and armed robbers hiding in Rugu forest in the Safana Local Government Area of the state.
The spokesman for the Katsina State Police command, Gambo Isah, confirmed the arrest, revealing that Amadu was arrested on Monday in the forest.
Two locally-made revolver pistols and 7.62MM ammunition of AK 47 rifle were allegedly recovered from him.
Isah said, “Based on a tip-off, the command succeeded in arresting a notorious gun- runner supplying arms and ammunition to cattle rustlers, kidnappers and armed robbers hiding at Rugu forest, Safana LGA of Katsina State.
“Nemesis caught up with the suspect, one Safiyanu Amadu, aged 50years of Barbelu village, in the Bakori LGA of Katsina State when he was chased and arrested deep inside Rugu forest and two locally-made revolver pistols and 7.62mm life ammunition of Ak.47 rifle were recovered from him.
“Suspect has confessed that he intends selling same to cattle rustlers inside the forest.  He is assisting the police in investigation.”
Meanwhile, the command has also arrested a nine-member armed robbery-c*m-kidnap syndicate.
The command spokesman said in a statement made available to Northern City News in Katsina that the suspects were nabbed at Faskari Local Government Area of Katsina State on a tip-off.

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