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Facts to know about NNPC Recruitment / Jobs – Salary Scale and Process Flow

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Facts to know about NNPC Recruitment / Jobs – Salary Scale and Process Flow by : 12:00 am On January 22, 2018

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation is one of the most sought-for company to work for in Nigeria. It is highly desirable by Nigerians but does it pay well? What does an average NNPC staff earn?


Quick fact about the NNPC
• NNPC was formed in 1977, when the Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel and Nigerian National Oil Corporation were merged together.
• Since 1988, NNPC has consisted from 12 units that cover the whole spectrum of the operations within the oil industry.
• The current managing director of NNPC is Maikanti Baru. He was appointed to his post in 2016.
• The head office of NNPC is in Abuja. It is located in the famous NNPC Towers. The address is 274 Herbert Macaulay Way, Central Business District, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

NNPC pay and salary scale
It is almost impossible to find any hint on what the NNPC pay it’s staff as it does not seem to be very eager to share their salary scheme.

NNPC Salary Scale

On their official web portal, no hint on their salary scale is written and therefore it is very hard to find any reliable information pertaining to how they pay people but it’s known it isn’t meagre.
A website named Glassdoor, fortunately threw a spark of light on the salaries of NNPC workers. They claim to be a reliable source of information about various companies and employers. The downside here in their report for this subject is that it only had salaries for three job positions at NNPC.

The salary scale of an intern, a sales manager and an economist.

How old this report is, i do not know but it is believed that the monthly salary of an intern at NNPC is from ₦13,000 to 14,000. A sales manager at NNPC earns between ₦286,000 and 314,000 per month. The ₦3,590,000 – 3,880,000 pay for an economist is not cleared to be per month or per year, but judging by the rest of the information presented on the website, it may be probably per year.

This is not an official information and may be different from the real pay but you should be fulfilled as this has given a little bit more about the salaries at NNPC.
NNPC recruitment

You might have gotten excited about how much NNPC employees earn,but unfortunately, there are no NNPC Nigeria vacancies at the moment.

In fact, NNPC has not been hiring for quite a while now. Moreover, the company has warned Nigerians countless times about the fraudsters who claim that NNPC is recruiting.

As soon as there is a vacancy at NNPC, you can find out about it from their website https://nnpcgroup.com /careers/ careersnnpc.aspx , their Facebook page: facebook.com/NNPCgroup or Twitter handle twitter.com/NNPCgroup .
Disregard any other sources, as they might be fake. You can contact NNPC via their website e-mail (contactus@ nnpcgroup.com) or phone ( 234 9 460 81000).

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