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Have you heard about the Django Web Framework?

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Have you heard about the Django Web Framework? by : 9:29 am On August 1, 2018

What’s a Web Framework? 

A Web framework supports the development of Web Applications and services. Tools and functionalities like database access, sessions, template processing, URL routing, localization and more are being solved by a Web Framework.

That’s why you need one, except you’re Kylie xy and could do all this without a framework.

What’s Django? 

Django is a web framework helping us securing a developed web app and services. Services like blog sites, e-commerce sites and more. All of these in a more standardized way, without redoing stuffs over and over again.

What’s special about Django? 

It’s a Python web framework having all open source libraries. The Pip >> Python Package Index repository hosts over 116k packages. If you needed solving a problem, chances someone has already done that and made a library for it.

This Web framework having features such as standalone Web server for development and testing, caching, Middleware system, ORM, template engine, form processing, interface with Python’s unit testing tools. It also comes with battery, supporting built-in applications such as an administrative interface. I also got to know of the GIS >> Geographic Information System lately.

Who’s using Django? 

Instagram, Disqus, Mozilla  Bitbucket  last.fm,National Geographic is built off of Python and they used Django.

Having an idea which company is using Django is great so you could know what you can do with it.

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