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Hierro Resigns as a Spain coach

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Hierro Resigns as a Spain coach by : 2:36 am On July 9, 2018

Hierro Fernando Hierro, who led Spain at the 2018 World Cup, has stepped down as coach and will not return to his former role as sporting director anymore. Hierro was placed in temporary charge of the team after  Julen Lopetegui was sacked  on the eve of the tournament due to the betrayal by signing as a Realmadrid coach without informing the president. However, the 2010 world champions were  knocked out on penalties  by hosts Russia in the last 16 knockout out which his team made a record of over 1000 passes completed in a match since world cup began. Hierro, 50, has decided to “seek new horizons”, according to the Spanish football federation (RFEF). A  statement said the former Real Madrid playmaker had “declined” to return to his previous role and has opted to “undertake new professional challenges”.

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