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How to save your phone when it falls in water

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How to save your phone when it falls in water by : 12:00 am On March 7, 2017

Your smartphone dropping in water doesn’t mean the end of it. Although smartphones are not waterproofed, you can still rescue it. The most important thing is that you should apply these tips shared by Jumia Travel, the leading online booking agency to save your phone. . It is no gainsaying that water and phones are enemies. Mr. Water is always happy to destroy your phone.

Don’t press anything after taking it out of water
The first thing you should do is to remove your smartphone from the water. You know right? Importantly, don’t do anything like turning it on, press any keys, nor blow it. You should not do any of this if you are serious about saving your phone.

Open the back and remove the battery
The next thing you should do immediately you remove your phone from water is to carefully remove the battery.

Take out other removable parts
For those whose batteries are not detachable from their phones, they should simply remove their SIM cards and memory cards. You should also do same even if you can detach your battery.

Dry your phone
There are different ways to dry your phone. The first one that comes to mind is the sun. But there are other ways. You can use a vacuum, or use uncooked rice. Using uncooked rice is the fastest option to dry your phone. The rice will soak the moisture and dry your phone.

Your phone should power on. If it doesn’t power on, you should charge it. If it still doesn’t power on, you can leave it for a day or two. This will help the phone to fully recover and power on.
You should take it to your engineer if…
After a day or two, and it doesn’t still work, you should take it to your engineer for diagnoses. He should do his magic but it may cost you some money. But don’t just give your phone to anyone. You should have a friend who is experienced in phone repairs.

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