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Nabteb GCE 2019 CHEMISTRY (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers

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Nabteb GCE 2019 CHEMISTRY (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers by : 1:30 am On November 28, 2019

Nabteb GCE 2019 CHEMISTRY (Objective & Essay) expo questions and answers are already out. Click the button below to see the answers if you have subscribed to the Expo. Else, continue reading.

NABTEB GCE 2019 Chemistry Expo questions and answers are available. But only for members that have subscribed to it. Hence, if you need it, you have to subscribe as well. Subscription is currently ongoing. See our questions and answers to the previously written; NABTEB GCE 2019 Biology Theory and Objective Answers – Free Nov/Dec Expo RUNZ. To subscribe, read below;

We have three subscription plans for the NABTEB GCE 2019 Chemistry Expo. We have the Whatsapp mode, the Link and Password plan and the SMS plan. Where and how you will get the questions and answers depends on the plan you paid for. For example, if you paid for the Whatsapp mode, the questions and answers will be sent to you on Whatsapp. If you paid for the Link and Password, we will send you the password to view the questions and answers here on our website (EARBOARD.COM). The SMS plan is for those that need it as SMS. Each plan has a unique subscription price. Below is their pricelist;

  • Link and Password: N400
  • Whatsapp: N500
  • SMS: N700

Please note that the above plans are just for the NABTEB GCE 2019 Chemistry Objective and Essay Expo. If you want to see the full subscription price for other subjects, click here. To pay for any of the above plans, read below;

To make payment for any of the above plans, check the price of the plan you want to subscribe to, buy MTN card equivalent to the amount and send the pin, subject paid for, plan,  mobile number and send to 09067385575.

Here is how to send it;

Card: 12788732897887y6 (N200), 127873289648(N200), Subject: NABTEB CHEM OBJ AND THEORY, Plan: Link and Password, Phone number: 09123456789

If you need any help in the form of Expo or Runz, you can contact me on +2349067385575.

We provide real solution answers to all Nabteb GCE Examination. Delay is dangerous, call or Whatsapp the number now for instant assistance.

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