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Own an Online Community (Social Media) Site like Facebook.com (Facebook)

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Own an Online Community (Social Media) Site like Facebook.com (Facebook) by : 12:00 am On October 29, 2017

According to Wikipedia; Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park California. According to Alexa rank, Facebook.com is the 3rd most visited site (At the time of writing this article) in the world. Building an online social media site like that of Facebook, at first, was not that easy. But with the introduction of Phpsocial script, you can build a site like Facebook (with all the features that Facebook has) in a minute. In this article I will guide you through the process of building or cloning Facebook site.

PhpSocial  Screenshot

Without wasting much of your time, let’s get started. We are going to use PhpSocial Script. Go to Codecanyone and purchase the script. It costs only $49. Then buy domain and hosting account. Upload and install the MSQL and php script on your server. See the Demo site and Admin dashboard.

Features of The PhpSocial Script

  • News Feed: Just like Facebook, the news feed keeps you up to date with the latest updates of your friends, birthdays and activities, shows friends suggestion and more
  • Profile: User’s Profile page shows information about the user, profile picture, friends list, users timeline, liked messages etc.
  • Groups: Users can create groups and members get notifications whenever the group is updated.
  • Pages: Like Facebook pages, users can create a page to promote their company, brand or their fan page.
  • Messages: Users can send messages, share photos, videos, movies etc with their friends
  • Live Chat: You can chat with your friends in realtime with multiwodows chat; you can also share thoughts, photos, take camera shot etc
  • Search: The search feature allows users to search for people, groups, pages, #Hashtags etc
  • Notifications: The notification system keeps users up to date with the activities of their friends, notifies them when somebody likes their page, posts or photos, notifications of new comments, shares, group invites etc.
  • Connect: Users can easily register and login to their account using a simplified register and login form. Users can also login with their Facebook account details.


  • Dashboard: As an admin, you can view the statistics about the evolution of the current day along with the graphs of the last seven days, site information and more
  • Site Settings: You have complete control over the site. You can ban some words, use captcha to secure your site, accounts per ip, manage user settings etc.
  • Themes: You can switch from one theme to another
  • Plugins: Ability to add more features such as social share Plugin, game plugin etc with the use of the built-in plugin.
  • Languages: You and your users can switch from one language to another. The built-in languages system makes this easier.
  • Manage Users: You can view users’s account information, verify , delete or suspend account just in a few clicks
  • Manage Pages: You can view pages created by users, view the number of likes and the pages admin, change general pages settings, verify or delete them
  • Manage Groups: You can view the groups created by users, number of people in the groups and the group admin, change general group settings, verify or delete them
  • Manage Reports: You can view the reported content, manage reported messages and comments and take appropriate actions
  • Site Statistics: You can view the statistics of your site such as registered users, posted messages, comments, likes, groups created and shares
  • Advertisement: You can easily monetize your site by putting 3rd party ad banner or code in the various locations on your site

About Flex

I am a verified author at EARBOARD.com... For any complaint or information, contact EARBOARD admin on 09067385575

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