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PAMO University of Medical Sciences 2022/2023

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PAMO University of Medical Sciences 2022/2023 by : 10:10 pm On September 26, 2022

PAMO University of Medical Sciences 2022/2023 Post-UTME Admission Form is currently out, call the school admin office now on [07043240159]–[07043240159] IJMB Form Jupeb Form, Pre-Degree Form, masters form, Ph.D Form, Sandwich Form, Diploma Form, Direct entry form,, Transfer form, Change of course Form are all out Call the school admission office now on [07043240159] on how to purchase the form and register online, For Admission Process on how to be admitted and mode of payment of School Fee And Acceptances Fee Contact Office of the registrar on [07043240159] for more Inquiry On GUIDELINES AND ADMISSION ASSISTANCE CALL THE SCHOOL ADMIN OFFICE NOW ON 07043240159 FOR GUILDLINES BEFORE THE DEADLINE..

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