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Panic in Zamfara as Strange Disease Kills Four Leaving Many Hospitalized

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Panic in Zamfara as Strange Disease Kills Four Leaving Many Hospitalized by : 12:00 am On March 7, 2017

There is pandemonium in Zamfara state following the outbreak of a strange disease that has killed four people already.

Alhaji Salisu Isa-Dangulbi, Chairman of Maru Local Government Council in Zamfara, said on Tuesday that four persons had died of a strange disease in Bindin village of the area.

The chairman told newsmen in Gusau that the council had mobilised a team of medical experts headed by its Director of Health to control the situation.

He said, “We have also reported this situation to state government through the ministries of health and local government for further action.

“We are waiting for the medical team to finish its work so as to know the cause of the outbreak.

“Even though there are many speculations from the people of the area about the outbreak, some people are relating it to unprotected and illegal mining activities, but we cannot conclude now until the medical experts finish their work.”

The residents of the area had said that many people were affected by the disease which manifested in high fever, red eyes and swollen heads, culminating in death within three hours.

A resident, Kabir Mikailu, said that over 10 people had died in the village and many others were rushed to General Hospital Dangulbi and the Yerima Bakura Specialist Hospital, Gusau.

According to him, the diseases affected mostly women and children and called for speedy response to curtail its spread.

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