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School of Health Technology Gwadabawa ​2022/2023 Admission Form

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School of Health Technology Gwadabawa ​2022/2023 Admission Form by : 1:46 pm On September 9, 2022

School of Health Technology Gwadabawa ​2022/2023 Admission Form is currently OUT call the school admin office now on [07043240159] For ND/HND in Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs), Junior Community Health Extension Workers (JCHEWs), environmental health officers (EH medical technicians (MT) and records clerks (RC).


• Dental Technology • Dental Therapy • Health Information Management • Community Health • Environmental Health Technology • Public Health Nursing • Other courses offered by the Colleges of Technology include • Community Health Extension Worker (CHEW) • Health Assistant Medical Course (HAM) • Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) • Pharmacy Technician (PHT) • X-Ray Technician (XR) • Community Nutrition Technician (CNT) • Food Hygienist (FH) • Environment Health Assistant (EHA) The course duration ranges from two (2) years to four (4) years depending on the programme


To bring about ease and simplicity to our application process, we have made provisions for two methods of application that can be carried out in the comfort of your home.CALL THE ADMISSION OFFICE VIA (07043240159) FOR GUIEDLINES BEFORE THE DEADLINE..

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