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Sokoto State School of Nursing, Sokoto 2022/2023 Admission Form

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Sokoto State School of Nursing, Sokoto 2022/2023 Admission Form by : 5:45 pm On October 31, 2022

Sokoto State School of Nursing, Sokoto 2022/2023 Admission Form is out, Call: 09123022766 Dr. Opeyemi To Apply (+2349123022766)


Candidates for admission into the General Nursing Education Program of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria must posses the Senior Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent with five credits to include English School of Post Basic Midwifery, 2022/2023 Admission Form is out, Call: 09123022766 Dr. Anita To Apply


Candidates for admission into the General Nursing Education Program of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria must posses the Senior Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent with five credits to include English Language and either Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Health Science at not more than 2 sittings.

Duration of Study Three (3) calendar years.

Registration obtainable Registered Nurse (RN)


The Candidate must be a Registered Nurse and must also meet all institutional Requirements to be admitted into any of the 66 schools of midwifery.

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