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Young Lady Accused Of Distributing H*V Goes For Another Test, Shows Off Result

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Young Lady Accused Of Distributing H*V Goes For Another Test, Shows Off Result by : 12:59 pm On March 4, 2017

New H*V Result of Gloria Ogbuka Ada fromRivers State Hospital Management Board(RSHMB)…Finally both the school authority and the school clinic have proven that the H*V information carried about Gloria is false and demonic, and should be disregarded with utmost seriousness.

I was very shock yesterday at ONELGA when a friend of mine brought out this pretty girl’s picture with a tag beware of This girl called Gloria that she is H*V positive. If not that am already aware of this issue,that young man has already believed the lie.The most annoying part of it all is that thisrumour is being widely spread by girls.Please if you see in anyone’s wall where this evil information is being carried please do well to ignore.

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