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Youth Council holds prayer for Buhari, Nigeria

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Youth Council holds prayer for Buhari, Nigeria by : 10:55 pm On March 1, 2017

The National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) on Wednesday in Abuja held a special prayer session to seek God’s intercession for President Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, Africa and the World.

The council offered special prayers for the quick recovery and return of the president to continue with the good work that he had started.

The President of NYCN, Malam Murtala Gamji, who organised the prayers, explained that the prayers were necessary as a result of current happenings in Nigeria and the global stage which required divine intervention.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Malam Murtala Musa led the Muslims’ prayers, while Mr Ahamgba Angweh, coordinated the Christian faithful during the prayer session.

A Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) from Benue state, Mr Emmanuel Haaga, who attended the prayer session, said it was the duty of every patriotic citizen to always pray for their leaders.

Haaga said that those who did not wish Buhari well were not only “mischievous, but also egocentric and heartless’’.

The Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the NYCN President, Malam Gambo Jagindi, assured Nigerians that Nigerian youths would continue to pray for the wellbeing of Buhari and his administration.

Jagindi said that the president inherited a demoralised military when he took over the reins of power and also when the Boko Haram insurgents almost paralysed the entire North East region.

“In fact at a time even the Federal Capital Territory was no longer safe as bombs kept blasting at the will of Boko Haram terrorists, but they have now been decimated and rendered completely inactive.

“The Implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA) is a major breakthrough on the fight against corruption and transparency of this administration.

“The diversification of the economy through agricultural empowerment is a good one,’’ Jagindi said.

He said that Buhari had indeed proven to be a father of the youths with his friendly programmes like N-power, where more than 400,000 Nigerian youths are now employed with more underway.

Jagindi said those spreading false and hate stories about Buhari, instead of praying for him and the nation, were ignorant, but understandably so as “majority are beneficiaries of Nigeria’s looted funds under previous administrations’’.

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