WAEC 2019 / 2020 Result is out. You can check yours online now. Here is a step by step guide on how to check your 2019 / 2020 WAEC Result online. You can check it by yourself or you can go to any nearby Cyber Cafe and give them your details so that they check it for you. However, if you want to check it by yourself then follow these guidelines.
WAEC Official Logo
How to Check 2019 / 2020 WAEC Result By Yourself
First and foremost, visit the Official WAEC result checking site; www.waecdirect.org/ . The site is accessible both on mobile phone and PC
Then enter your examination number in the form on the web page. Your exam number is your 7-digit center number followed by your 3-digit candidate number e.g. 4123456789
After that, select the year of your exam from the drop down box. Note that the year for the current WAEC result is 2019.
Now choose the candidate type. Note that the current WAEC results are for “SCHOOL CANDIDATES RESULTS”.
Enter your CARD SERIAL NUMBER at the reverse side of your Scratch Card.
Finally, enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch Card and click Submit. Then wait for the page to load.
You should be able to see your results after the page finish loading. However, if you don’t see your result, then wait for some days and try again. Not all the candidates’ results have been released so you should not panic if you don’t see yours.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a PIN?
The PIN stands for Personal Identification Number. In WAECDIRECT, it is a unique 10-digit or 12-digit number that is required to access the service. The service enables direct access to a candidate’s results via multiple channels. The PIN is found on a valid WAECDIRECT Scratch card and is revealed when cover patch on the reverse side of the card is carefully scratched off.
What is a Scratch card?
A Scratch card is a plastic card with a scratch patch on the reverse side that conceals a PINrequired to access the WAECDIRECT service. The Scratch card applicable for the WAECDIRECT service is marked “WAECDIRECT ……Access Card” on the face.
Where can I buy a Scratch card?
A Scratch card may be purchased at the National Office of WAEC and at any of its zonal and branch offices across Nigeria. It may also be bought from any of the branch offices of Fountain Trust Bank Plc across Nigeria. From time to time it may become available at any other outlets so designated by WAEC. Please click here to go to the outlet’s page. The reviewed price for the Scratch card is now N450.
How many times can I check my results?
You may check your results up to a maximum of 5 (five) times with the use of 1 (one) Scratch card. In order to check further after exhausting the allowed 5 (five) times you will need to buy another Scratch card which will entitle you to another 5 (five) result checks.
Can I use one Scratch card to check more than one result?
No! You may only use one Scratch card to check one result. To check another result of interest, you will require a new Scratch card. If you misuse a Scratch card by attempting to check another result different from the first one checked, you will be penalised as having used the card, and will be presented with the appropriate error message.
In what other ways can I check my results?
Besides having your results displayed to you on a webpage on the WAECDIRECT website, you may also have your results delivered to an email address of your choice by selecting the proper options on the WAECDIRECT homepage. You may also have your results read out to you by calling into any one of our regional Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems or have it delivered to your GSM mobile phone via SMS. Click here for further information
What information is available on this service?
The following information is available on the WAECDIRECT service
*.WAEC May/June and Nov/Dec WASSCE results
*.Addresses of Zonal and Branch Offices of WAEC
I have a problem in checking my WAEC result Please help?
Kindly send the following details to waecsupport@ fleettechltd.com for verification and help
*.1. Error message displayed
*.2. Your examination number
*.3. Type of Exam
*.4. Year of Exam.
I have being trying to check my result but the WAEC page is not loading?
Please be informed that it could either be your internet connection that is not connecting properly or as a result of the high traffic to the result checking site. We advise you give it some time before trying again. www.waecdirect.org
I went to the WAEC portal and filled in the required details only to see a page telling me there is no result for the candidate in the specified year. Please what do I do?
We advise you to keep checking at intervals because the website may be updated subsequently or visit the nearest WAEC office for assistance.
Good day. My result is displaying outstanding. Please help as I need it for admission.
Kindly note that results that are partially released i.e. (outstanding/held) can be traced to various issues.
The decision on the “Outstanding/Held” results is subject to the outcome of the Council’s investigation. You can keep checking the portal for updates. Thank you.
Hello sir, please can the Result checker card bought in the previous year be used to check result of the current year ?.
Ans: A result checker card purchased in a previous year is still valid for use in the next year but note you can only use one Scratch card to check one result. To check another (different) result, you will require a new Scratch card
Please help us to correct this candidate’s gender from female to male.
Kindly proceed to the nearest WAEC office to make corrections to information erroneously provided by you in the course of your registration.
Dear Sir/Ma, Please i have been trying to check my result but i keep having problems with my examination number, i was informed my number is incorrect but that is actually the same number i used in writing the paper, so please i want to find out what the problem is..
Kindly proceed to the nearest WAEC office to make corrections to information erroneously provided by you in the course of your registration.
Good day sir/ma, I made a mistake by inputting a wrong exam number while trying to check my result and it displayed a result that is not mine. Can I use the same result checker card to check my result now that I have my correct exam number?.
You can only use one Scratch card to check one result. To check another result of interest, you will require a new Scratch card. If you misuse a Scratch card by attempting to check another result different from yours, you will have to purchase another card to check your result.
Hello Sir/Ma, I checked my WAEC result with the center and Examination number being given to me but I saw someone else’s result. Please help.
Please be informed that examination numbers are reused every year and the only unique difference is the examination year. Please change the exam year to the year you took your exam. However, you will have to purchase a new WAEC result checker card to do this. Thank you.
How to Check your WAEC Result on a Mobile Phone
Note: To check your WAEC 2019 Result with a mobile phone, you will need to buy the WAEC Direct Scratch card (Price is about N500)
1.Send SMS in the format below:
To short-code32327(MTN, Celtel & Glo subscribers)
2.For example -:
Ensure you adhere strictly to the format above. There should be no space in the message.
3.Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS.(SMS Cost N30 Only)
Breakdown of WAEC May/June 2019 Result for Nigerians:
1.Total Candidates that sat for WAEC SSCE 2017: 1,692,435
2.Candidates with fully released WAEC SSCE Result: 1,605,613 (94.87%)
3.WAEC results still being processed 86,822 (5.13%)
4.Candidates with 5 credits or more (including English & Maths): 529,425 (31.28%)
5.Withheld Result: 145,795 (8.61%)
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WAEC 2019 / 2020 Result is out
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How to check WAEC 2019 Result by yourself
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